December 4 Covid Alert Graphic


The December 4 Kay County COVID-19 Alert System Risk Level was released, and the 7-day average number of new COVID-19 cases, per capita of 100,000, reflected a decrease from last week. Kay County stayed in Level Red – High Risk with a decrease from 96.1 – 79.7.  This risk level is still alarmingly high, but it is a decrease from last week’s all-time high risk level for Kay County.  The BOE voted to transition all sites to Full Distance Learning for the remaining school days in the semester, beginning Monday, November 23-Friday, December 18. There are 10 school days left in the semester after today, Friday, December 4.

PCPS reminds everyone to keep working together to slow the spread!  Please continue to do your part and wear face coverings, watch distancing (stay 6’ apart at all times), wash hands frequently, avoid group gatherings, and stay in isolation or quarantine if imposed by the Kay County Health Department.  PCPS needs their students back in school; please help them get there on January 5, 2021.