Effective Friday March 20, 2020 in accordance with Kansas Supreme Court Administrative Order 2020-
PR-016 the courts of the 19th Judicial District will be closed with the exception of any court proceedings
that are deemed to be an emergency pursuant to the Supreme Court Order. These include limited
hearings in criminal matters such as conducting first appearances for individuals who are arrested and
do not post an appearance bond; holding detention hearings in juvenile cases; limited hearings in Child
in Need of Care cases, and such other matters as the order deems an emergency.
The District Court Clerk’s office in both Winfield and Arkansas City will be closed to the public. However,
limited staff will be available to answer telephone calls, process payments that may be received by mail
or other means and accepts electronic filings that may be filed in cases. Staff will not be available for
public contact.
Forms for filing a petition for protection from abuse pursuant to K.S.A. 60-3105 or protection of stalking
pursuant to K.S.A. 60-31a06 will be left outside of the district court office. If a person needs to file a
petition they should complete the paperwork according to the instructions provided and slide it in the
mail slot or under the door. Staff will be available to file the petition. A Judge will then review the
petition and determine if an order should be issued.
A Court Services Officer will be available in each location to answer questions and maintain telephone
contact with individuals who are on probation supervision.
The judges of the District will be available to conduct all required emergency functions. This will include
conducting any emergency hearings, reviewing requests for search and arrest warrants and other
functions as outlined in the Administrative Order.
Individuals who have a court appearance scheduled between Friday March 20, 2020 and Friday April 3,
2020 should contact their attorney or the District Court Office, 620-221- 5470 (Winfield) or 620-441-
4526 (Arkansas City) to obtain instructions concerning their next appearance date and time.
At this point it is anticipated that this order will be in place at least through Friday April 3, 2020.
However, the order may be modified or extended as circumstances change.