COVID-19 drive-thru testing clinic to be in Ponca City Wednesday


The Kay County Health Department in cooperation with the City of Ponca City, Kay County Emergency Management, and other community partners will provide a COVID-19 drive-through testing clinic. Supplies are limited and testing will focus on individuals in Kay County at highest risk.

When: March 25, 2020 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm (as supplies last)
Where: Ponca City RecPlex, 1604 W. Grand Ave., Ponca City, OK
Enter at the West Grand Ave. Entrance

In order to be tested you must:
1. Be 18 years of age or older
2. Have fever greater than 100.4°F AND a cough or shortness of breath
* Only one person per household will be tested

Do not come for testing if:
1. You have already been practicing social distancing in the last two weeks (remain at home, telework, etc.)
2. You know you have been in contact with a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 14 days

Ponca City Police will assist with traffic control to help the Oklahoma Department of Health and Safety safely test citizens who are most at risk. Traffic entrance to the testing site will be from Grand, off of Waverly only. Grand will be blocked at Waverly Street and at Olympia, and only testing site traffic will be allowed into that area during testing times. This area will initially be closed off starting at 7:00 a.m., so the site can be set up, and will not be opened until the Department of Health is ready to take testing traffic. For safety reasons, traffic will not be allowed to “stack up” on Waverly at any time. We will do our best to get all testing traffic onto Grand and stage there, but the ability to do that will be dictated by citizens following the criteria published by the Department of Health. If you come to the testing site, you must stay in your vehicle at all times.