City Of Newkirk Receives Grant To Build New Path


The plans to build a pedestrian and bicycle path that would encompass most of Newkirk will receive part of $7.5 million in federal funds aimed to boost non-motorized travel in Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Transportation Commission approved the $7.5 million for 21 local projects in the Newkirk area as a part of the Transportation Alternatives Program. The program is federally funded and administered by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Through TAP, federal funds provide up to 80 percent of the total cost of the projects, while the applicants must provide at least 20 percent. Eligible applicants include communities with less than 5,000 people (Newkirk population 2,200).

Out of the $700,000 that is estimated for the Newkirk project, TAP funds will cover $553,000, leaving Newkirk to pay $147,000. The Newkirk fitness path gained life through the vision of a 10-year-old girl and now has the communities support. Newkirk officials said that the trail would be beneficial to all ages for travel and recreation. Phase 1 of the trail project will include new or reconstructed sidewalks, walkways, cross walks, curb drops and bump outs. The path will start at 9th Street and Maple Avenue, will go north three blocks past the library, then will move east to connect with Newkirk’s Main Street area at 6th and Main.The path will then go three blocks north to 3rd Street where it will head west one block to circle Lion’s Park. Phase 2 will include starting at the same location where phase 1 did, but instead will move east one block, then north two blocks to 6th Street. Phase 3 will be proposed with the next Safe Routes to School funding opportunity. All three phases share one connecting point (9th and Maple) and will provide connectivity throughout Newkirk. The path will be 1.22 miles long when completed.