City Commission approves contract with Evans and Associates for street improvement project


The City of Ponca City Commission recently approved a contract with Evans and Associates for a street improvement project in the amount of $138,763.00.

This is a project to mill and overlay two city streets, 1) South Avenue beginning at a point 235 feet east of 14th Street and extending east to a point 610 feet east of 14th Street and 2) Mockingbird Drive from 100 feet east of Pecan Road to approximately 473 feet east of Pecan Road. South Avenue will receive a 1 ½” mill and 3” overlay. Two inches of the existing asphalt surface of Mockingbird will be removed and replaced.

Total project area is approximately 2,825 square yards. All asphalt millings will be retained by the City and used primarily for alley maintenance. Invitations to bid were sent to four contractors. Bid advertisement began on November 11, 2021 and bids were opened on December 2, 2021. Only one bid was received.

The contract time for this project is 30 calendar days. The project will be funded by the street improvement sales tax.