The Ponca City Board of Commissioners met in regular session on November 22, 2021. Mayor Homer Nicholson called the meeting to order, which was followed by the pledge of allegiance. Commissioner Bodick, Commissioner Chapman, Commissioner Scott and Commissioner Taylor were present.
Consent Agenda
Under the Consent Agenda, the City Commission approved the minutes of the Ponca City Board of Commissioners regular session held November 8, 2021; a resolution appropriating money for the payment of claims against the City Of Ponca City; a resolution of the Board Of Commissioners of the City Of Ponca City amending the operating budget of various funds for Fiscal Year 2021-22; a resolution designating certain City employees as purchasing officers with authority to make purchases against City and municipal trust appropriations; a mutual aid agreement with Ponca City Public Schools; and an update to the Ponca City Emergency Operation Plan.
City Manager’s Report
Under the City Manager’s Report, City Manager Craig Stephenson reminded the public that COVID-19 Vaccines are available to the public for no charge at the Kay County Health Department and many other locations in Ponca City.
City of Ponca City offices will be closed Thursday, November 25, and Friday, November 26 for the Thanksgiving Holiday: Ponca City RecPlex will be OPEN Thursday, November 25, 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. ONLY, and REOPEN Friday, November 26; Marland Mansion & Estate and Lew Wentz Golf Course will be CLOSED Thursday, November 25, and REOPEN Friday November 26; Ponca City Landfill will be CLOSED Thursday, November 25, and Friday, November 26, and will REOPEN Saturday, November 27; Ponca City Library will CLOSE at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 24, and REOPEN Sunday, November 28; Residential Refuse WILL NOT BE PICKED UP Thursday, November 25, or Friday, November 26, and will RESUME Monday, November 29; Ponca City Senior Center will be CLOSE at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 24, and will REOPEN Monday, November 29; and Marland’s Grand Home will be CLOSED Thursday, November 25, and REOPEN Tuesday, November 30.
Autumn Leaf Collection will begin on November 15, 2021 and end on January 21, 2022. Residents who want to have their leaves removed are asked to please follow the guidelines. Bagged leaves placed in the regular refuse collection area will be collected free of charge. Bags will be picked up at the rate of 10 bags per pickup day. Bagged leaves may be collected by special pick up anytime of the year by calling Solid Waste at 580.767.0411. Special pickups carry a minimum charge of $39.48. Loose leaves should be placed within three feet of the front curb, but not in the street gutter. If leaves are raked or blown into the street gutter they may clog the storm drains. Leaves found blown or raked into the street may result in a citation (per City Code). Do not place loose leaves or compost enclosures in the alley right-of-way, so alleys are not blocked for utility access. And, mulched leaves or leaves mixed with grass will not be collected except by special pick up. The City’s Leaf Collection Crew will be working the City section by section and asks for the public’s patience during this time. It may take two weeks or more to collect the leaves due to the large volumes expected.
The Festival of Angels Christmas light display begins November 24 and runs thru December 30. Festival locations included: Cann Memorial Gardens, Marland’s Grand home, Pioneer Woman Statue, and Lake Ponca Park. Ponca City’s Annual Lighted Christmas Parade will be Friday, December 3 at 6:00 p.m. on Grand Avenue. Participants are encouraged to decorate their entries with lights and festive décor. Lineup announcements and locations will be available on December 2. There is no cost to enter, but registration is required and available online thru December 1 at Christmas with the Marland Foxes is the theme for the Marland’s Grand Home Christmas open house this year. The open house will be held on Saturday, December 10, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
New Business
Under New Business, the City Commission approved the purchase of rodeo arena bleachers from Hanson Sports through the Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Program, for the 101 Rodeo Arena Revitalization-Bleacher Replacement Project in the amount of $657,077.00 and authorized the 30 percent down-payment to process the order in the amount of $197,123.00. The Mayor and City Commissioners received a presentation at their Work Session held on November 1, 2021 and discussed staff’s proposal for the expenditure of ARPA funds. City Commissioners then passed a resolution at the November 8, 2021 Board of Commissioners regular meeting outlining the expenditure of the coronavirus local fiscal recovery funds for non-entitlement units of government (ARPA funds) in the amount of $2,021,000.00. One of the programs for funding in the resolution is the 101 Rodeo Arena Revitalization-Bleacher Replacement in the amount of $850,000.00. This project will replace the east, west and northeast existing bleachers (grandstands) at the 101 Rodeo Grounds with new aluminum and elevated three feet off the ground ADA compliant bleachers. All four of the old bleachers will be razed, and the east, west and northeast sites will be prepped for new bleachers. Crews will prep the site for installation, prepare the final grading and base, and pour the concrete slab. Crews will complete the ADA concrete work once the bleachers have been installed. Hanson Sports and the City of Ponca City are certified and participating agencies of the Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Program. The awarded contract purchase price for the new bleachers includes delivery and installation, but does not include the concrete expenses.
PCUA Consent Agenda
Under the PCUA Consent Agenda, the PCUA Trustees approved the minutes of the Ponca City Utility Authority regular session held on November 8, 2021; a resolution appropriating money for the payment of claims against the Ponca City Utility Authority; and authorized the Chairman to submit the Monthly Operating Statement to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board.
PCUA New Business
Under PCUA New Business, the PCUA Trustees approved a resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Ponca City Utility Authority, authorizing the City Manager to secure miscellaneous outside plant materials necessary to construct Phase 4 and 5 of the Fiber to the Home Project and authorizing the Finance Director to make payment of said purchase up to $1,500,000.00. Final Engineering is nearing completion for Phase 4 and 5 of the Fiber to the Home project and the time is approaching in which competitive bidding for construction of the outside plant will begin. Due to extraordinary lead times in the manufacturing, supply, and transportation chains, the supplies and materials for this part of the project must be ordered well in advance. Since the beginning of this project, costs have increased between 10 and 20 percent and lead times have increased from 4 to 6 weeks upwards to 45 weeks. To encourage responsible bidding for the construction work, Ponca City Broadband must show potential bidders that the necessary materials have been ordered and will actually be available when the construction timeline begins. The original project budget included these materials at an estimated cost of $1,350,000.00.