Blackwell High School Currently With Five Active COVID-19 Cases


Blackwell Journal Tribune is reporting that as of Tuesday, Blackwell Public Schools is currently feeling the COVID-19 pandemic as 25 high school students have been quarantined, believed to be on the BHS football team.

One student tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday who was believed to be on the football team, and Blackwell Superintendent did not release the name of the individual due to federal and state healthcare privacy laws. The Blackwell football team had their final game of the season on Nov. 13 when they hosted Prague. The one new case puts Blackwell High School with five active COVID-19 cases, 41 students are in quarantine.

Two students who tested positive for COVID-19 back on Nov. 3 have since been able to return to the classroom. Blackwell Middle School so far has not seen any COVID-19 cases. There have been 2 COVID cases for Blackwell Elementary, one being a student and the other a teacher.


Blackwell Public Schools shared some questions on their Facebook page for parents to help determine the health of their child:

1. Does your child have a temperature at or above 100.4 degrees or experiencing chills?
2 Is your child experiencing a loss of smell or taste that can’t be attributed to another health condition?
3. Is your child experiencing a sore throat that can’t be attributed to another health condition?
4. Is your child experiencing a new cough that can’t be attributed to another health condition?
5. Is your child experiencing shortness of breath that can’t be attributed to another health condition?
6. Within the last 14 days, has your child had close contact with someone confirmed with COVID-19? (Close contact is defined as within 6 feet for more than 15 consecutive minutes.)