Bidding opens in February for Third and Fourth Street project in Ponca City


At the Ponca City Board of Commissioners meeting on Monday, Board members voted to authorize the advertisement for bids for the street improvement project, Third Street South 100 Block East Side And Fourth Street North 100 Block West Side, Project No. SST 20-5.  Advertisement will begin before the end of January with a bid opening scheduled for February 18, 2021. Construction will likely begin in April 2021. Total estimated construction time for both pieces of sidewalk is 45 calendar days.  This project is funded through the City’s Street Sales Tax capital fund.


This project will replace deteriorated concrete and address ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) concerns in the downtown area.  The east side of Third Street, between Grand Avenue and Central Avenue, will be replaced and receive the stepped-curb treatment along most of its length, and making ADA-compliant crossings at the alley and two driveways. An ADA-compliant wheelchair ramp will be added to the business entrance on 3rd Street. On North 4th Street, the sidewalk from the alley entrance to the Cleveland Avenue intersection will be replaced. A stepped curb would result in dangerously shallow steps along this section, so a traditional 6-inch barrier curb will be used. The corner will be pushed into the intersection approximately 1.5 feet north and 2 feet east to accommodate ADA-compliant ramps across the intersection.