Ponca City Public School’s Elementary Summer School Details and Bus Schedule Released


Ponca City Public Schools has announced the details for elementary summer school and the bus schedule for other summer classes.

Elementary school summer classes will be held beginning June 6th, with students only attending Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The official hours are from 8 AM to noon and all students have the chance to eat breakfast and lunch. The final day is June 29th. It will be held at Union Elementary, 2617 North Union Street. The principal is Jera Kiespert. The office will be open from 8:15 to 11:15 AM and can be reached at 580-767-8035.

Below is the official bus schedule for summer classes.

Bus #10 for Woodlands students will arrive by 7:35 AM, then for Trout students at 7:40 AM.

Bus #4 for Lincoln students will arrive by 7:25 AM, Liberty students by 7:30 AM, and at Paradise Apartments by 7:35 AM.

Bus #8 for Garfield students will arrive by 7:20 AM, then for Roosevelt students at 7:30 AM.


For questions and concerns you can contact the Transportation Department at 580-767-8088.