Ponca City Board of Commissioners meet in regular session on June 13


The Ponca City Board of Commissioners met in regular session on June 13. Vice Mayor Paul Taylor called the meeting to order, which was followed by the pledge of allegiance. Commissioners Chapman and Scott were in attendance.

Ceremonies and Proclamations

Under Ceremonies and Proclamations, the character trait of Endurance was introduced for the month of June.

Consent Agenda

Under the Consent Agenda, the City Commission approved the minutes of the Ponca City Board of Commissioners regular session held May 23, 2022; a resolution appropriating money for the payment of claims against the City of Ponca City; a resolution designating certain City employees as purchasing officers with authority to make purchases against City and municipal trust appropriations for annual Fiscal Year 2022-23; a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Ponca City appointing members to various boards and commissions and establishing the terms of office; a resolution setting non-utility rates, fees and charges for the City of Ponca City Parks and Recreation Department; a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Ponca City amending the operating budget of various funds for Fiscal Year 2021-22; a resolution by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Ponca City readopting the Citizen Participation Plan for the City of Ponca City dated July 14, 2014; a resolution by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Ponca City to affirm the City’s commitment to take all action within Its power to facilitate the receipt of assistance of community development funds if the City of Ponca City is awarded a Community Development Block Grant from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce; the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group’s Municipal Property Protection Plan for the City of Ponca City for the policy period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023; a request for right-of-way control at the intersection of 8th Street and Maple Avenue; a request for right-of-way control at the intersection of 9th Street and Maple Avenue; and a request to remove the no parking restrictions on the north side of 500 E. Cleveland Avenue.

City Manager’s Report

Under the City Manager’s Report, City Manager Craig Stephenson reminded the public that a Ponca Politics Forum will be held on Friday, June 24 in the Commission Chamber of City Hall from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. The speakers will include Senator Bill Coleman and Emily DeLozier for Oklahoma Senate District 10 and Representative Ken Luttrell and Joe Vaden Jr. for Oklahoma House of Representatives District 37.

Stephenson reported that the 60’ flag pole at Lake Ponca was bent by high winds during last week’s storm event. The City hopes to replace and set this pole before the 4th of July celebration.

Stephenson provided an updated on the electricity pricing. He reminded the public that the Ponca City Utility Authority did not raise the electric rates charged to the residents. However, there is a power adjustment cost on each bill. The electric grid relies heavily on natural gas for power generation. Compared to 2021, natural gas market prices were up 291 percent in May of 2022 and 248 percent in April of 2022. Some factors cited for the rise in natural gas prices include: unusually high temperatures in some parts of the U.S., the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the rising demand for U.S. natural gas exports, and depleted natural gas storage. Therefore, electric bills being received by PCUA customers are higher than last year, due to the power adjustment cost.

Stephenson concluded his remarks by introducing Todd Brewer, the City’s new Environmental Services Director. Todd was raised in Morrison, Oklahoma and has been in Oklahoma City; Springfield, Missouri; and recently in Denver, Colorado working for American Water Works Association. Stephenson added, “We are excited to have Todd here and look forward to his leadership for the Environmental Services Department.”

New Business

Under New Business, the City Commission approved a resolution by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Ponca City, Oklahoma authorizing the expenditure of Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (ARPA Funds) for the Ponca City Small Business Assistance Grant Program, and authorizing the City Manager of the City of Ponca City to make any and all related payments to approved applicants of said program and execute all related documents. On November 8, 2021, by Resolution No. 6626, the Mayor and Board of Commissioners approved an allocation of the City’s ARPA funds be set aside for the Ponca City Small Business Assistance Program. The purpose of this program is to assist local small businesses who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and help mitigate any losses as a result of the pandemic and offset any financial hardship each business may have had with the assistance of grant funds. On April 1, 2022 the City of Ponca City opened an application cycle for any potential small business located in the city limits of Ponca City to apply for assistance. This application cycle ended on April 30, 2022. Thirty-three applications were received and scored pursuant to program guidelines and thresholds. Thirty-two (32) applications were recommended for approval including: Immersive Technologies $2,500.00; Aesthetic State of Mind $7,500.00; DeLeon Self Defense $2,500.00; ABC Race Association, Inc. $2,500.00; Stobbe Design $5,000.00; PM Supply, LLC $5,000.00; Computer Solutions Unlimited $2,500.00; Just Your Style $5,000.00; Rocking Turquoise $2,500.00; Merrick’s Salon $2,500.00; Vaughan Investments, Inc. $2,500.00; Creative Cabinets $10,000.00; Ponca City Home Sweet Home $2,500.00; Meadows Plumbing $7,500.00; KB Enterprises, Inc. $7,500.00; OM Yoga $5,000.00; KR Automation $10,000.00; Provisions Coffee House $10,000.00; A+ Printing $10,000.00; My Media Matters $10,000.00; Combat Syndicate $10,000.00; Vortex Alley $10,000.00; The Perk $10,000.00; Small Business & Accounting $2,500.00; Redlands Office Solutions $10,000.00; David’s Garage $10,000.00; The Doodle Academy $10,000.00; The Bag Lady of PC $10,000.00; Gamemasters Guild $10,000.00; Astoria Blvd. Bistro $10,000.00; Anderson & Co. $10,000.00; and Cain’s Lawn Care $2,500.00.

The City Commission approved a resolution by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Ponca City, Oklahoma authorizing the expenditure of Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (ARPA Funds) for the Ponca City Non-Profit Assistance Program, and Authorizing the City Manager of the City of Ponca City to make any and all related payments to approved applicants of said program and execute all related documents. On November 8, 2021, by Resolution No. 6626, the Mayor and Board of Commissioners approved an allocation of the City’s ARPA funds be set aside for the Ponca City Non-Profit Assistance Program. The purpose of this program is to assist Ponca City non-profits who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and help mitigate any losses as result of the pandemic. On April 1, 2022 the City of Ponca City opened an application cycle for any potential non-profit located in the City limits of Ponca City to apply for assistance. This application cycle ended on April 30, 2022. Eighteen applications were received and scored pursuant to program guidelines and thresholds. Seventeen applications were recommended for approval of $10,000 in funding including: Veterans of Foreign Wars, PCA Kids Academy, PC Chamber of National AMBUCS, City Arts, Poncan Theatre, Attucks Community Alliance, Ponca Playhouse, Dearing House, First Christian Church d/b/a Friendship Feast, Community Health Foundation, Opportunity Center, Inc., PC Main Street Authority, Living Hope Pregnancy Center, Habitat for Humanity, Hospice of North Central Oklahoma, Edwin Fair, and Marland’s Children Home dba Marland’s Place.

The City Commission approved the submission of an application for the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce for FY-2022 funding in the amount of $195,714.00 and authorize the Mayor or his designee to execute all required documents. The City of Ponca City is eligible for CDBG grant funding in the amount of $195,714.00 through the Small Cities Set-Aside program. This program requires a 50% cash match, at a minimum, specific to the designated project, and 51% of the project beneficiaries are required to be low and moderate-income persons. For the purpose of this application, the City is over-matching the HBA Project due to the historical needs of the program. Two requests for funding have been received by City staff. Request #1: Home-Buyers Assistance – $60,000.00. This project will assist income eligible home-buyers with down-payment and closing cost assistance. This is an eligible CDBG activity. The match for this project will be $60,000.00 from Ponca City Development Authority plus an additional $40,000.00 from the City of Ponca City. The purpose of the additional $40,000.00 is to provide sufficient funds for this project over a two-year period. Request #2: Attucks Restroom/Park Improvements – $135,714.00. This is an eligible activity within the CDBG programs. Improvements at this park include playground poured-in-place surfacing, brand new restroom installation/finishing, basketball court resurfacing and equipment, and basketball court repairs. This project meets the CDBG program’s primary national objective “development of communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low income”. The match for this project will be $135,714.00 from the City of Ponca City Hotel/Motel Tax fund.

And, the City Commission approved a resolution by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Ponca City, Oklahoma obligating funds to be used as leverage with the Small Cities FY-22 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Award. The Oklahoma Department of Commerce requires a resolution in support of this grant match/leverage. With the submission of the FY-22 Small Cities grant application, matching funds in the amount of $235,714.00 were approved and budgeted as follows: City of Ponca City CDBG $40,000.00; Ponca City Development Authority $60,000.00; and City of Ponca City Hotel/Motel Tax $135,714.00.


PCUA Consent

Under the PCUA Consent Agenda, the PCUA Trustees approved the minutes of the Ponca City Utility Authority regular session held May 23, 2022; a resolution appropriating money for the payment of claims against the Ponca City Utility Authority; a resolution of the Ponca City Utility Authority amending the operating budget of various PCUA funds for Fiscal Year 2021-22; and Septic Hauler Use Permits and DEQ Consent Forms for PK Services for Calendar Year 2022.

PCUA New Business

Under PCUA New Business, the PCUA Trustees approved a contract with Madden Fencing and Services, LLC for the Ponca City Landfill West Fence Line Construction Project, in the amount of $70,244.07. This Ponca City Landfill West Fence Line Project will consist of the removal of the current west fence, 2,560 feet of five-strand barbwire fence and the construction of 2,560 feet of 6-foot tall chain-link fence with 45-degree security arms and three strands of barbwire fencing. Advertisement for this fencing project began on May 5, 2022. A pre-bid meeting was held on May 24, 2022 and the bid opening was held on June 2, 2022 with two bids opened and read. Staff recommended awarding this project to the lowest most responsible bidder, Madden Fencing and Services, LLC.