Medical Examiner’s Office Seeks $3.5 Million Increase in Budget to Regain Accreditation


Oklahoma agencies are asking lawmakers for more than $13 billion in appropriated budget requests for FY26.

The Oklahoma Office of the Chief Medical Examiner is asking for a budget increase of 21%, or $3.5 million, from $16,319,144 to $19,819,144.

The agency had its national accreditation taken away in 2009 due to 29 deficiencies, and it is looking to get it back this spring.

Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Eric Pfeifer, says the budget increase is needed in order to pay for the staff the agency recently hired, which has translated to 90% of cases being completed in 90 days.

Chair of the Public Safety and Judiciary subcommittee, Sen. Todd Gollihare R-Kellyville, asked how not having national accreditation affects the primary mission of what the agency does.

“It makes it more difficult to recruit people because people want to work at an accredited office, and although it doesn’t happen as much as it used to we usually get criticized in the courtroom by defense,” Pfeifer said. “It’s more than just a plaque that you hang on the wall. It means you’re meeting minimum national standards.”

Gollihare noted that the state grocery tax cut, among other factors, means the state has $191 million less in revenue to work with this year.

“How would your agency function if…. the legislature were to implement like a 2% reduction,” Gollihare asked.

“2% reduction? Not well,” Pfeifer said. “Not well.”

“Would it significantly affect operations to the point where the office wouldn’t be able to function,” Gollihare said.

“I predict if it were a flat budget or even a 2% reduction that sometime by next December, January we will have bled to death,” Pfeifer responded. “We will be out of money.”

Sen. Shane Jett R-Shawnee also brought up concerns about the increased budget requests the medical examiner’s office and other agencies are asking the legislature for.

“I don’t mean to lecture you but this is my problem set. My problem set is to make sure we are spending well, spending it correctly and a 2% cut I would hope you would anticipate that simply because our constituents back home are saying hey inflation is high, which you’re experiencing. But they don’t have the luxury of asking us to give them more money. They’re asking us to take less of their money,” Jett said.

Without the increase in budget, Pfeifer said loss of staff could mean case turnaround times could increase to up to a year.