KHP Report On Fiery Crash Says Truck Driver Ran Stop Sign, 3-Month Old Treated For Minor Injuries


The Kansas Highway Patrol says the cause of a fiery three-vehicle accident Wednesday morning in Winfield that involved two semis and an SUV was attributed to a truck driver running a stop sign.

KHP’s report also revealed a three-month-old, Ender Shelton, was a passenger in the SUV and was transported to William Newton Hospital in Winfield via a private vehicle with minor injuries.

The driver of the SUV, a 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee, 33-year-old Breayle Dion Shelton of Winfield, was treated at the scene for minor injuries but did not require hospitalization.

Both Ender and Breayle were wearing safety restraints.

Mark Stokes, Jr., 41 of El Dorado, was the driver of a 2007 Peterbuilt and was transported to Wesley Medical Center in Wichita with serious injuries. He was not wearing a seat belt.

According to KHP, Stokes was travelling north bound on K360 wile another semi, a 1996 Peterbuilt, driven by 27-year-old Mauricio Quinonez of Wichita, was eastbound on U.S. 160.

Shelton was westbound on U.S. 160.

KHP says Stokes failed to stop at a stop sign, struck Quinonez’s truck on the passenger side of the cab and caused the trailer of the semi driven by Quinonez to strike the Jeep on the driver side rear.

Quinionez was treated at William Newton Hospital for minor injuries.

Winfield Police Department Chief Robbie DeLong told KSOK Thursday afternoon that section of U.S. 160 east of Winfield at K360 was reopened around 8:30 Wednesday night.

DeLong said Wednesday one semi was hauling an empty cattle trailer and the other was hauling a fertilizer-type material.

First responders were called to the accident scene at 7:01 Wednesday morning.