Financial Health Lunch and Learn with the Chamber!


Join the Ponca city Chamber of Commerce at Pioneer Technology Center on Monday, July 24, from 11:30 am to 1 pm for a Lunch and Learn event hosted by the Ponca City Chamber of Commerce. The focus of the event will be on building financial health, with Amit Bansal, the Financial Health Director for Spears School of Business at OSU, serving as the presenter.

The training aims to enhance participants’ comprehension of the significance of financial decisions, enabling them to build wealth and prepare for a secure retirement. It is open to everyone, but we particularly encourage young employees to start early retirement planning.

The cost to attend is only $10, which includes a delicious lunch. Secure your spot by RSVPing to the Ponca City Chamber of Commerce at 580-765-4400. Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity to secure your financial future!