City Of Winfield Neighborhood Cleanup Program Starts Saturday


The City of Winfield has released details for its Neighborhood Cleanup Program.

The will have roll-off containers for household clean-up items available every Saturday beginning July 9 through October 29th, with the exception of Sept. 3.

Items not allowed for the containers include:

– Compost or Brush (accepted at Compost Facility 320 Broad St.)
– Vehicle Tires (accepted at Compost Facility 320 Broad St.)
– Refrigerators/Freezers or Air-Conditioners
– Oil, Fuel or Chemicals
– Batteries or Paint
– Utility Poles or Railroad Ties

The containers will be available at the City of Winfield Operations Center at 2701 E. 9th. from 8 a.m. through 11 a.m., or until all three roll-off containers are full.