Boundaries Redrawn For Ponca City Schools


– Release from Superintendent Shelley Arrott

Every ten years—following completion of the US Census – qualifying Oklahoma school districts are required to evaluate and possibly redraw boundaries for their school board districts.

The purpose of the law is to ensure the boundaries reflect appropriate representation for residents who live in communities where populations are growing or shifting – with no more than a 10% variance between the number of people living within each district boundary.

We have been working closely with the Oklahoma House of Representatives to review census data and ensure the District is in compliance with the law. On October 10, 2022 our school board approved new boundaries which can be viewed at

The boundaries, which are minimally different from those previously used, will be effective immediately and used until the process is completed again following the 2030 census.

The new boundaries will not change the school board members who currently govern our district; however, it is possible that the school board representative for your board district has changed. You can learn more about our five-member Board at I am grateful for their service to our district and our students.

If you have any questions about the new boundaries of the Ponca City School Board, please contact Kristi Hayes, Board Clerk, at 580-767-8000, or feel free to call me at the same number.