Blackwell assistant football coach tests positive for COVID-19


Blackwell Public Schools released an update on their Facebook page late Tuesday that an assistant football coach for Blackwell High School has tested positive for COVID-19.

This coach traveled out of state to a funeral recently where he was exposed to the COVID-19 virus. On Friday afternoon of last week, the coach was informed by a family member that someone in the family tested positive for COVID-19. Before receiving this information from his family, the coach was at summer pride workouts on Thursday and Friday of last week with several of the Blackwell High School football boys. The coach was wearing a mask and was outside when in contact with the students. The coach then went to Ponca City on Friday to get tested, and he has been in self quarantine since. On Tuesday, he was told he tested positive for COVID-19.

All of the parents of the high school football boys that came into contact with this coach have been notified. Four individuals are in self quarantine. The health department has investigated this case and has placed four individuals into self quarantine. Two of these individuals are other football coaches, who were tested this afternoon and the results were negative. The other two individuals will be tested in the morning. After visiting with the health department this afternoon, they feel the likelihood of someone becoming infected from contact with this coach is low, due to the fact that he was wearing a mask and his contact with them was outside. Shawn Haskins of Blackwell Public Schools says that as of now, Blackwell Public Schools is canceling all school activities until they have more communication and guidance from the state epidemiologist.

The well-being of BPS students will be at the center of all decision making, and more information will be shared as it becomes available.