Hunter Biden found guilty on all charges in federal gun trial

Washington TND - June 11, 2024 11:34 am

Hunter Biden and wife Melissa Cohen Biden enter the courthouse in Wilmington, Del Monday , June 10, 2024(AP)

A federal jury found President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, guilty on all the federal felony gun charges he faced.

Jurors reached the verdict Tuesday morning in a case that could send the 54-year-old to prison.

Hunter Biden was convicted of three felony counts tied to his lie about his drug use when he bought a gun in 2018.

He stared straight ahead and showed little emotion as the verdict was read, according to the Associated Press.

The First Lady, Jill Biden, was reportedly not in the courtroom when the verdict was read – she eventually arrived.

Hunter Biden, center, departs from federal court, Monday, June 10, 2024, in Wilmington, Del. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

Hunter Biden, center, departs from federal court, Monday, June 10, 2024, in Wilmington, Del. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)


In the morning, the defense rested its case without Hunter Biden taking the stand.

Last week, the defense called three witnesses — including Hunter’s daughter Naomi — as it tried to poke holes in the case that has laid bare some of the darkest moments of Hunter’s Biden’s drug-fueled past.

Hunter Biden bought the gun in October 2018. Prosecutors claim he lied on a mandatory gun-purchase form by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs. The defense argued he’d completed a rehab program weeks earlier, and there’s no evidence he used drugs in the 11 days he had the gun.

Hunter Biden said he has been sober since 2019. As for before, his lawyers have said he did not consider himself an “addict” when he filled out the form.

His ex-wife and two former girlfriends testified about him smoking crack habitually. Jurors saw evidence of him holding a crack pipe and partly clothed, and they heard audio excerpts from his 2021 memoir, “Beautiful Things,” in which Hunter Biden covers the period he had the gun but doesn’t mention it specifically.

Both sides in the case argued over instructions that were given to the jury. The defense said proposed jury instructions included “overly expansive and amorphous” definitions of what it means to be a drug “user” and to “possess” a firearm. They also argued over the definitions of reasonable doubt and firearms dealer.

The jurors were eventually told to return a guilty verdict if they’re convinced the government “proved each and every element of the offense charged beyond a reasonable doubt,” but to return a verdict of not guilty if they have reasonable doubt about one or more elements of the offense.

The charges against Hunter Biden are lying to a federally licensed gun dealer, making a false claim on the application by saying he was not a drug user, and illegally having the gun for 11 days.

The case almost didn’t go to trial. Last year, there was a deal with prosecutors, but it fell apart when the judge did not go along with it.

Hunter Biden has accused the Justice Department of bending to political pressure from former President Donald Trump and other Republicans to bring the gun case and separate tax charges.

He faces 25 years in prison, but first-time offenders may not get sentenced to time behind bars.

According to judge, sentencing is expected to happen over the summer.

President Biden said last week he will accept the jury’s verdict and not pardon his son if he’s convicted.

Court has adjourned for the day Hunter Biden’s conviction. He was seen leaving the Delaware courthouse with his wife and his mother.

Hunter Biden didn’t have any words for reporters outside as he got into a vehicle.

He’s also faces another trial on felony charges alleging he didn’t pay $1.4 million in taxes over four years. That trial is scheduled for September.


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