Chamber Chat
Ponca City Now - July 22, 2019 3:11 pm
Rich Cantillon, President Ponca City Chamber/Tourism Bureau
We will have a ribbon cutting ceremony for Air Evac’s life team at AllianceHealth Ponca City Hospital Tuesday July 30 at 12:30 p.m. The ribbon cutting ceremony will be at the helicopter pad. This is for our emergency helicopter service that operates from the hospital. This service has and will continue to help save Ponca City citizens. Please join us and meet the staff and see the helicopter first hand.
After taking the summer off our Education and Workforce Committee will meet Thursday, Aug. 1, at 4 p.m. at the Chamber Office.
This is a very active chamber committee. Here are their goals for this school year.
To provide support from Chamber Businesses for the (PIE) Partners in Education Program so that each school has at least two active partners. This has been accomplished.
To provide a platform for all Ponca City schools to present ideas and concerns.
To teach customer service training to the students at Ponca City High School. This will help them with employment opportunities.
To provide information to the Chamber Governmental Affairs Committee on education and workforce issues.
To host a new teacher luncheon. This is Thursday, August 8.
To host a support staff appreciation day. We do this every spring. Our last one was very successful.
To hold a “Stuff the Bus” school supply collection event. This will be Friday, August 9 and Saturday August 10 at Walmart.
To prepare and distribute a summer children’s activity handout. This was done before school ended.