New Indoor Multipurpose Facility on Bond Issue

Residents of Ponca City will vote on a proposed $49.7 million school bond election on Oct. 12, 2021. This seven-year bond project is coupled with an additional $10 million of CARES funds to allow for improvements in the school district that aid in the mitigation and spread of COVID-19.“In the 1990s Ponca City Public...

Woodlands Elementary Raises Money for UW

Woodlands Elementary recently celebrated raising over $4300 for the United Way. Wolfpack Performance hosted the LEAP class (displaying that Woodlands students raised $4,323.54) and 3-Kurtz (displaying that their class raised $1,411.46). The other 10 classes that met their $125 class goal also participated in fun fitness activities with the Wolfpack coaches on the playground....

The Oklahoma State Department of Health documented 1,501 new COVID-19 cases for Thursday. 

Joy Hofmeister running for Oklahoma Governor

Oklahoma’s State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister has officially announced that she's running for Oklahoma governor.According to KOCO-TV in Oklahoma City, Hofmeister, a lifelong Republican, also announced she's flipping parties, challenging Gov. Kevin Stitt as a Democrat. She made the announcement on her Twitter account.Hofmeister said the following on her Twitter. "I've got...

Four arrests made at one home by PCPD Tuesday

Ponca City police served a search warrant at 5:32 p.m. Tuesday at 812 west Oklahoma that ended with four arrests.Det. Jeff Woodward said police also recovered property that was reported stolen earlier in the day.Police report that Erinn Shey Camren, 24, was arrested on warrants.Jesse Charles Lawson, 30, was arrested on a failure to...

OSDH Weekly Epidemiology Report for October 6

The Oklahoma State Department of Health released their weekly epidemiology report on Wednesday. Data shows that throughout the week of September 26-October 2, 9,319 new COVID-19 cases, 12,377 recoveries and 264 deaths were documented. Since early 2020, 35,257 individuals in the state have been hospitalized due to COVID. CDC COVID Data Tracker lists that 14,445...

Kildare Fire Department hosting Fish Fry

The Kildare Volunteer Fire Department will be hosting a Fish Fry Sunday, Oct. 10 from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. or until supplies last at Kildare's Fire Station. This meal is by donation, suggested donation of $5 a person. The money raised will go towards general operations of the fire department.

Early Voting Soon for Bond Election

Early voting begins Thursday, Oct. 7 for voters in the Ponca City Public School district to vote in the proposed bond election scheduled on Tuesday, Oct. 12.Early voting is available Thursday, Oct. 7 and Friday, Oct. 8 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Kay County Election Board located in the basement at...