City Of Ponca City Historic Driving Tour Mobile App

The City of Ponca in partnership with the Oklahoma Historical Society is pleased to release the City of Ponca City Historic Driving Tour mobile app. Utilizing grant funds from the National Park Service, U. S. Department of the Interior, and the Oklahoma Historic Preservation Office, this mobile app is available in the Apple store...

City Of Ponca City Provides Halloween Safety Tips

Children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than on any other day of the year. To help ensure adults and children have a safe holiday, the American Academy of Pediatrics has compiled a list of Halloween safety tips:• First and foremost, follow the Centers...

Election Officials Warn Voters About About False Polling Place Text Messages

Oklahoma State Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax issued a voter alert on Monday, October 19, 2020, warning voters about a text message that was received by a voter, that falsely claimed the voter’s polling place had changed. The complaint has been referred by election officials to law enforcement.The text message falsely advised the voter...

Kay County sees 20 new COVID-19 cases, 1,307 new cases reported statewide

The Oklahoma State Department of Health is reporting 1,307 new positive COVID-19 cases for Wednesday, Oct. 21. Oklahoma's seen an overall total of 110,855 COVID-19 cases as 14,666 are active.19 additional virus-related deaths were reported Wednesday to put Oklahoma's death toll to 1,210. One being a Payne County male in the 50-64 age group.Kay...

Otoe-Missouria Tribal Daycare Employee Tests Positive For COVID-19

The Otoe-Missouria Tribe released a Facebook post on Monday stating that an employee at the tribal daycare has tested positive for COVID-19.While the Otoe-Missouria adheres to all CDC child care recommendation including the wearing of masks, frequent hand washing and disinfecting high touch surfaces often, the decision was made to take caution and close...

NCOAC to meet, elect officers Oct. 27

The North Central Oklahoma Arts Council will hold their annual meeting Tuesday, Oct. 20 at the Art Center of Tonkawa (ACT) located at 200 E. Grand at 5:30 p.m.   Board members and friends of the NCOAC are invited to attend.   The meeting was moved from its original Oct. 20...

Deadline to apply for absentee ballots approaching

Less than a week remains for registered voters in Kay County to apply for absentee ballots to be mailed to them for the General Election, and the Braman Municipal Special Election Board Secretary Cheryl Howard said today.Applications for absentee ballots must be in the hands of the County Election Board...

Kay County Precinct Polling Places For November Election

PRECINCT POLLING PLACESNEWKIRK 001 Newkirk Library, 116 North Maple St. NewkirkTONKAWA 101 Family Center, Methodist Church 105 N. 4 th , Tonkawa 103 Church of Christ Church, 300 N. Public, TonkawaBLACKWELL 202 First Christian Church 306 E. Coolidge. Blackwell 205 First Baptist Church 1 st & Bridge Ave. Blackwell 206 Methodist Church 6 th & Coolidge Ave. BlackwellRURAL 400 Masonic Lodge...

774 new COVID-19 cases reported for Oklahoma on Monday

The Oklahoma State Department of Health is reporting 774 new COVID-19 cases for Monday, Oct. 19. Oklahoma's seen an overall total of 108,073 COVID-19 cases as 14,533 cases are active.Two additional virus-related deaths were documented Monday to put Oklahoma's death toll to 1,173. The two deaths were in Tulsa and Tillman counties for males...

NOC Spooktacular Concert Oct. 29

The Northern Oklahoma College Concert and Jazz Band will be presenting the Halloween Spooktacular Concert Thursday, Oct. 29.   The concert will be held at 6 p.m. on the Crowder Science Hall steps on the Tonkawa campus.   Those attending are asked to bring a lawn chair.   The...