Takedown Club Competes At State Tournament In Tulsa

The Newkirk Takedown Club team traveled Feb. 15-16 to attend the 41st Oklahoma Kids Wrestling Association State Tournament in Tulsa. Attending for the tigers were seven wrestlers who had to qualify the week before at the regional tournament. The qualifiers were Easton Brown, Brodie Banister, Preston and Daxton Hasselbring, Thatcher Billingsly, Brady Oldfield and...

Newkirk City Street Project On The Move Forward

There are a number of streets in Newkirk that are in need of repairs due to deterioration from the weather, as well as traffic and age. The city is one step closer to rehabilitating those streets as the Newkirk City Council discussed several contract bids at the Feb. 25 meeting. The city opened bids...

Newkirk Takedown Club Girls Place At State

The Newkirk Takedown Club Girls team attended the third annual OKWA Girls State Champions on February 15-16 and returned home to Newkirk as State Runners Up.The wrestling members for the Lady Tigers were Teagan Morton, Ryelie Mangrum, Brittnee Hasselbring, Brinlea Weant and and Sierra Hasselbring. Not only was this the first state tournament for...

Tonkawa Post Office Celebrating 125th Birthday

Friday, March 9 might just sound like an ordinary day, but it's a actually a special day for the community of Tonkawa. March 9 marks the 125th birthday of Tonkawa's post office which opened in 1894 according to postal records.The petition for a post office was written at the camp of the Old Yellow...

Friday Final Day To Apply For April Elections

Friday, March 8, is the last day to apply for voter registration in order to be eligible to vote in the April 2, Ponca City, Frontier and Shidler School Districts Elections. This also applies for the Braman, Blackwell, Newkirk and Tonkawa Municipal Special Elections in Kay County. Those who are United States Citizens and...

Board Reccomending New Zoning Changes

The Planning Commission Advisory Board voted Tuesday to recommend a zoning change to the City Commission for the corner of Prospect Avenue and Union Street. The measure was prompted by a request from a local applicant to place a medical marijuana dispensary at 109 West Prospect Avenue inside a residential property that formerly housed...

Former PTC Administrator Placed On Leave Following Investigation

A former Pioneer Technology Center Superintendent is being placed on administrative leave at an Arizona school pending a state investigation.According to Ponca City News, Dr. Sally Downey was hired as an assistant superintendent at PTC in 1993. where she was later named superintendent in 1997. Downey quit her post in 2000 following a dispute...

OBI Presenting Bigfoot-Themed Blood Drives

You've heard about the legendary Bigfoot. Now he is stomping his way through blood drives in Oklahoma.Healthy adults, age sixteen and up, can give blood at one of the following Bigfoot-themed drives with Oklahoma Blood Institute*: Kanza Health Center,

Leadership Blackwell And Ponca City Programs Visit Oklahoma State Capitol

The Leadership Programs for both Blackwell and Ponca City had quite the week as they have gotten to visit the State Capitol in Oklahoma City. Leadership Blackwell also had the opportunity to meet Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt as pictured below. During the visit on Tuesday, Leadership Blackwell Coordinator Lea Ann Bechtel presented Governor Stitt with a Barn...

City Of Newkirk Receives Grant To Build New Path

The plans to build a pedestrian and bicycle path that would encompass most of Newkirk will receive part of $7.5 million in federal funds aimed to boost non-motorized travel in Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Transportation Commission approved the $7.5 million for 21 local projects in the Newkirk area as a part of the Transportation Alternatives...

Newkirk Plans For Amphitheater Are Good To Go

The Kay County Commission gave the green light for a grass-roots effort to construct an amphitheater on the south lawn of the courthouse in Newkirk.The commission approved the measure unanimously during its regular meeting on Monday morning. Representatives of Newkirk Main Street and the Amphitheater's advisory board were present at the meeting. Project advocate...