Ponca City School Board Leaders Honored

PONCA CITY - Ponca City Public School board members were honored at their January, 2020 meeting. They were presented with items from school employees & students including: gift baskets with a variety of items including candy, ball caps, T-Shirts, cards, homemade goodies and lots of other items.January is National School Board Recognition Month and...

East Middle School Student Council Holding Humane Society Drive

PONCA CITY - East Middle School Student Council is holding a Humane Society Drive that began January 3 and is continuing through February 7, 2020. They are asking for dog food, cat food, treats and bedding. They plan to take the donated items to the Ponca City Humane Society on February 7. For questions...


The City of Ponca City recognizes that most renters could afford to make monthly house payments, but the largest obstacle is saving money for a down payment and closing costs. The Homebuyer Assistance Program is designed to decrease the barriers preventing low to moderate income individuals and families from owning homes. The Homebuyer Assistance Program will provide...


United Community Action Program, lnc. /Cimarron Public Transit will hold community forums in January related to public transportation for Creek, Kay, Osage, Pawnee, and Washington counties. Staff requests input from riders, local businesses, municipalities, social service agencies, Tribes, private providers, health facilities, elected officials, and the general public to assist in preparing for the...

Census 2020 Information

Beginning in mid-March, every household in America will receive a notice to complete the census online, by phone, or by mail. You will be asked to count everyone who lives in your home as of April 1, 2020. Responding to the 2020 Census is a chance to shape your future!EVERYONE COUNTS: The Census counts every person...

City Of Ponca City To Observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day

The City of Ponca City will observe Monday, January 20, as a City Holiday:Residential Refuse WILL NOT BE PICKED UP Monday, January 20, and will RESUME Tuesday, January 21. Contact Tim McNew, Solid Waste Superintendent, 767-0411 Ponca City Landfill will CLOSE Monday, January 20, and will REOPEN Tuesday, January 21. Contact Tim McNew,...

Quality Water Selected as January Friend of Education

PONCA CITY - Tyra Boatman and Kelly Johnson from Quality Water are shown in the picture receiving the PCPS Friend of Education Award for January, 2020.The PCPS Board of Education officially presented them their awards at their January 13 board meeting. Curtis Layton, PCPS Executive Director of Human Resources is presenting the award at...

NOC Mavs keep rolling, Lady Mavs lose to Redlands

EL RENO, Oklahoma -- The 7th ranked Northern Oklahoma College Mavericks blasted Redlands 113-62 Monday night in El Reno while the Lady Mavs lost to the Lady Cougars 80-51.   The NOC men improved to 17-1 on the season and 3-1 in conference play while the Lady Mavs (3-13) fell to 0-4...

Changes Made For Ponca City Basketball Games Friday

PONCA CITY - Ponca City Public Schools made the announcement on social media Tuesday that some changes have been made regarding the PCPS basketball games Friday night, January 17, when the wildcats face off against U.S. Grant. Here are the most current schedule from PCPS Athletic Director Jason Leavitt.5:00 p.m.-Boys JV 6:00 p.m.-Basketball Homecoming 6:30 p.m.-Girls...

Bond Revoked For Former Peckham Superintendent

NEWKIRK - The Kay County District Attorney's Office made the decision on Tuesday to revoke the bond of former Peckham Public Schools Superintendent Gary Martin Young, 65.According to court records shared by the Blackwell Journal Tribune on Facebook, the Major Crime Unit of the 8th District Attorney's office were notified that Young violated the...