No garage sales or yard sales in Blackwell

The City of Blackwell wants to inform residents that due to the Coronavirus crisis and the Governor's Executive Order to close all non-essential businesses, there will be NO Garage Sales or Yard Sales allowed until the order has been lifted.Please refrain from these activities as they endanger the health and safety of all individuals...


PCPS UPDATE FOR APRIL 1:  Grab-and-Go Meal Procedure Change: In order to better practice social distancing and to protect the health of our staff and community, the PCPS Child Nutrition Staff are changing the procedure for distributing Grab-and-Go Meals. Beginning Thursday, April 2, there will be an empty table set up curbside at the...

Ponca City man battling COVID-19 wakes from coma

While it is unknown at this time about the conditions of those diagnosed with COVID-19 in the state of Oklahoma, a miracle has happened for one Ponca City family.According to KFOR-TV in Oklahoma City, Geoffrey Cowan, 69, was placed on a Ventalator two weeks ago after being one of the first patients in Kay...

Gov. Stitt places all 77 Oklahoma counties under executive order

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt made the announcement on Wednesday that his executive order to close all nonessential businesses now includes all 77 counties in the state.The closure applies to businesses featuring social gatherings, such as bars, hair salons, gyms and restaurants.Before the announcement Wednesday, Stitt's executive order originally applied to counties that had COVID-19...

Ponca City man arrested for assault and battery

Wayne Keith Cotton, 56, of Ponca City was arrested last week and charged with assault and battery with a deadly weapon and a felon in possession of a firearm.Cotton's bond was set at $200,000. According to reports, police were sent to the 900 block of South Fifth Street in Ponca City on March 25...

NOC honors Autry Technology Center with Business Partnership Excellence Award

 The partnership between Autry Technology Center in Enid and Northern Oklahoma College was among twenty-seven business and higher education partnerships throughout the state recently recognized as innovative collaborations that further the education of Oklahoma’s workforce.   The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education’s Regents Business Partnership Excellence Award is designed to...

Hominy man killed in fatal motorcycle accident in Osage County

A fatality collision occurred at 3:39 p.m. Tuesday afternoon on State Highway 20 approximately 3 miles west of Hominy in Osage County.Bryan Goad, 52, of Hominy was driving a 1997 Harley Davidson Motorcycle westbound on Highway 20. For an unknown reason, the vehicle departed the roadway to the right continuing approximately 265 feet impacting...


Due to Governor Stitt’s Sixth Amended Executive Order 2020-07, the City of Ponca City is also taking these steps to slow the spread of COVID-19:All City of Ponca City playground equipment, exercise equipment, volleyball courts, and bathrooms located in City parks, at Lake Ponca, and at the...

Kay County now at 24 COVID-19 Cases, 565 cases in Oklahoma

The Oklahoma State Department of Health reports that there are four new cases of COVID-19 in Kay County, bring the total of cases to 24 in the county. This is a jump from 20 on Sunday and Monday.As for the state of Oklahoma, there are now 565 cases of COVID-19 with 1,229 testing negative....