Polling location change in Ponca City Precinct 535

Kay County Election Board Secretary Cheryl Howard announced Tuesday that the polling place for Precinct 535 has been changed. In response to the current issues with the Corona Virus, they are no longer able to use Via Christi Village as a polling location. Beginning with the Primary Election scheduled on June 30, the polling...

Nardin Heritage Celebration cancelled due to COVID-19

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Nardin Heritage Day announced on Facebook in early May that the members have decided to cancel the Nardin Heritage Celebration in Nardin this year.The heritage celebration is known to bring in people yearly on the Saturday before Memorial Day with a parade featuring antique vehicles, along with food and...

Business owners encouraged to watch their mail for fraudulent unemployment claims

If you own or manage a business, we encourage that you carefully watch your mail for fraudulent unemployment claims against your business.It's been going on statewide with individuals filing claims against companies they've never worked for. It's happened three times in the past two weeks here at Sterling Broadcasting, and has targeted local businesses...

Protestors gather outside Oklahoma Capitol against OESC on Monday

Protestors gathered outside the Oklahoma State Capitol against the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission on Monday.Organizers called for a peaceful demonstration to voice their concerns over the Commission's failure to provide benefits for two months. They also said they want to file a class action lawsuit against the state.Officials with the OESC had said things...

Ponca City nursing home resident tests positive for COVID-19

Officials at Ponca City Nurisng & Rehabilitation confirmed on Monday that a resident has tested positive for COVID-19, making it the second case at the nursing home since March.This puts Kay County at 50 cases of the virus overall, with three active cases. Osage County has 91 cases with 18 active. Data from the...

Man from Mannford killed in Pawnee County accident

Oklahoma Highway Patrol responded to a fatality collision that occurred at 11:17 p.m. Monday night on State Highway 48, 0.7 miles south and 5 miles east of Terelton, OK in Pawnee County.A juvenile female, 17, from Sand Springs was driving a 2012 Suzuki Sedan when she hit a pedestrian, Mark Calibani, 57, of Mannford....

PCPS Graduation Ceremony scheduled for late June

The Ponca City Public School District is Pleased to Announce the Ponca City High School Class of 2020 will be Honored in One Graduation Ceremony on Friday, June 26 at 8:00 PM at Sullins Stadium. More details will be released later this week.

Delays expected to begin today north of Newkirk

Delays are expected to begin today, May 18, as road construction now underway for a widening and resurfacing project along U.S. 77 between Newkirk and E. Home Road south of the casinos.Motorists will notice workers in the right-of-way of US-77 between E. Home Rd. and E. Fork Rd. for initial work zone set up...

Census takers to be in neighborhoods soon

As of early Monday, May 18, Kay County’s self-response rate to the 2020 U.S. Census is up to 58.7%, keeping the county in the top ten counties in the state for the response rate. Oklahoma’s statewide self-response rate is at 53.2%. With that in mind, Census takers will be in neighborhoods soon, so get...