Po-Hi Top Ten Honored with Traditional Tea

The Ponca City Senior High School honored the Top Ten Graduates with a tea in their honor on Sunday, June 14, 2020. The Top Ten Tea is a long standing tradition honoring the ten students with the highest cumulative grade point averages and is typically hosted at the high school. This year it was...


Residential Refuse WILL NOT BE PICKED UP on Friday, July 3 and WILL RESUME on Monday, July 6. Contact: Tim McNew, Solid Waste Superintendent, at 767-0454.The Landfill will be CLOSED on Friday, July 3 and will REOPEN on Saturday, July 4. Contact: Tim McNew, Solid Waste Superintendent, at 767-0454.The Ponca City Library will be CLOSED on...

Arkansas City Presbyterian Manor employee tests COVID-19 positive

ARKANSAS CITY, Kan. – An Arkansas City Presbyterian Manor essential non-direct resident care employee tested positive this week for COVID-19. The employee is in isolation and quarantined at home.“Our top priority is the safety of our residents and staff members,” said Jeanne Gerstenkorn, PMMA’s infection preventionist and vice president for...

259 new COVID-19 cases reported Wednesday

COVID-19 REPORT: The Oklahoma State Department of Health is reporting 259 new positive COVID-19 cases as of today, June 17. This brings the overall amount of cases to 8,904 with 2,006 cases active.Locally, Kay County has one new case, Osage and Noble counties both have two new cases and Payne County is up to...

Local COVID-19 testing sites for Ponca City and surrounding areas

With more COVID-19 cases being reported, a reminder that the Kay County Health Department in Ponca City is offering curbside COVID-19 testing Monday-Friday by appointment only. The testing is free, and no doctor referral is required. You must stay in your vehicle at all times during an appointment. To schedule an appointment, call (580)762-1641(

How responding to the 2020 U.S. Census can help

There's still plenty of time to fill out the 2020 U.S. Census.Responding to the census is not only your civic duty; it also affects the amount of funding your community receives, how your community plans for the future, and your representation in government.Data from the census is used for the following:Ensure public services...

Pioneer Tech Breaks Ground on Westward Expansion

Caption: Pioneer Technology Center (PTC) held a virtual Groundbreaking Ceremony this week on social media. The Westward Expansion project begins this month and completion is estimated for August of 2021. Pictured left to right Traci Thorpe, Superintendent/CEO of PTC; Paul Kyler, Co-Owner of Kyler Construction; Larry Hand, Construction Manager; Richard Winterrowd of Winterrowd Talley Architects, Inc;...

NOC announces spring honor rolls

The following information is provided from Scott Cloud, Public Information Officer at NOC-Tonkawa.   Kay County area students are included among 725 Northern Oklahoma College students earning academic recognition for the spring semester.   The President’s honor roll lists students who have completed a minimum of 12 core course hours during the semester with...

2020 Cowley County Fair Canceled

The Cowley County Fair Association made the announcement on their Facebook page Monday evening that after careful review with the Cowley County Health Department and the City of Winfield, a decision was made the cancel the 2020 Cowley County Fair due to the threat of COVID-19.The Cowley County Fair Association said that while they...

Ponca City Public Schools 2020-2021 Learning Options

The health, safety, and education of our students is the top priority for Ponca City Public Schools.  Due to the current issues with COVID-19, we are requesting the input from our parents and students regarding the three different learning options.Option 1:  On-site Learning: Traditional learning as typically offered – PreKindergarten through 12th GradeOption 2:  Blended Learning: Online instruction...