Slapout featured at July 3 Full Moon Concert

The Stillwater band Slapout will perform at the free Full Moon Concert Friday, July 3 in Centennial Park, 301 East Grand in Tonkawa, and will serve as the band’s CD release party for their 2020 album, Redbud.  The album features 13 songs, ten of which are original, with three interpretations of Oklahoma folk music and poetry. The...

Garber man involved in motorcycle accident east of Enid

GARBER, Okla. - A Garber man was involved in a personal injury collision that occurred at 1:30 a.m. Monday morning in a private driveway on the north side of U.S. Highway 412, two miles west of State Highway 74, eight miles east of Enid in eastern Garfield County.Richard Dylan Staerkel, 20, of Garber was...

Fireworks prohibited within Ponca City

The Ponca City Fire Department strongly urges the public to use extra caution during the upcoming Fourth of July holiday period. Each year thousands of serious fireworks-related injuries occur across the country. Sparklers, firecrackers, and bottle rockets are the leading cause of those injuries.Fireworks are not allowed to...

Stillwater woman killed in UTV wreck near Morrison

A fatality collision occurred at 9:30 p.m. Saturday night on 27201 Harvest Road, approximately 2 miles south and 1 mile east of Morrison in Noble County.Veronika Perez, 21, of Stillwater was driving a 2019 Polaris Ranger. The wreck is still under investigation. According to the Stillwater News Press, Perez was using her seatbelt. Sarah...

4.5 magnitude earthquake near Perry

UPDATE: The U.S. Geological Survey Team is reporting a 4.5 magnitude earthquake that occurred at 10:15 p.m. Saturday, about 5.6 miles NW of Perry in western Noble County.According to local news outlets, the earthquake could be felt in Ponca City, Stillwater, Tulsa, Oklahoma City and Wichita, KS.No damage from the earthquake has been reported...

March for Racial Equality scheduled for today in Blackwell

A March for Racial Equality is scheduled for today, June 20, in Blackwell.According to information shared by the Blackwell Journal-Tribune on Facebook, the march will start at 2 p.m. at the Blackwell High School and will go to the Top of Oklahoma Museum. This event is set to be a peaceful march intended to...

Louisiana man injured in accident near Billings

BILLINGS, Okla. - The Oklahoma Highway Patrol responded to a personal injury collision at 4:50 a.m. Saturday morning on Interstate 35 about 1/10 of a mile south of mile marker 200, located approximately 5 miles east and 3 miles south of Billings in Noble County.Kaleb Gray Williams, 31, of Anacoco, LA., was driving a...

OSDH reports 352 new cases statewide on Friday, five new cases for Kay County

The report from the Oklahoma State Department of Health on Friday, June 19, shows that there are 352 new positive COVID-19 cases in Oklahoma, putting the overall total to 9,706 cases since testing started. There are 2,494 active cases in the state.Locally, Kay and Pawnee counties both have five new COVID-19 cases, Payne County...

Kay County Sheriff’s Office warns about recent scam

Kay County Sheriff's Office wants to alert the public about a scam.On Thursday, June 18, A citizen received a call today from (425) 279-7540 advising he is with Computer Support Services and that their Norton Antivirus subscription is expiring soon and the cost to auto renew will be $299.00. THIS IS A SCAM. Please...