Over 3,400 new COVID-19 cases for Oklahoma on Sunday

The Oklahoma State Department of Health is reporting 3,406 new positive COVID-19 cases for Sunday, Nov. 22, and 9,990 new cases since Thursday, Nov. 19. Oklahoma's seen 174,330 COVID-19 cases overall as 32,384 cases are active.Since Thursday, there have been 46 virus-related deaths reported as the death toll on...

PTC Moves to Alternate Learning Schedule Monday

Ponca City, OK------ Pioneer Technology Center is committed to providing a safe learning environment for all students. Due to the surge in COVID-19 cases in Kay County, they are moving to an alternate learning schedule, warranted to protect student and staff health. Beginning Monday, November 23rd through December 22nd, PTC...

Entire Ponca City Public School District Pivoting to Distance Learning

The entire Ponca City Public School District Pivoting to Distance Learning, and all Extra-Curricular Activities & Practices Discontinued During Closure. The Ponca City Board of Education held a Special Meeting on Thursday, November 19, to review and discuss current COVID-19 data and to take possible action...

Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell speaking at Ponca Politics meeting Friday

Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell will speak during the Ponca Politics Committee meeting Friday at 11 a.m. at City Central in the Summit Room. The Public is invited to attend. Lt. Gov. Pinnell will speak for 30 minutes and then take questions.Matt Pinnell was elected as the 17th Lieutenant Governor...

90 new COVID-19 cases for Kay County, nearly 3,000 new cases statewide

The Oklahoma State Department of Health is reporting 2,915 new positive COVID-19 cases for Thursday, Nov. 19. Oklahoma's seen 164,340 COVID-19 cases overall as 30,484 cases are active.18 additional virus-related deaths were documented Thursday to put the statewide death toll to 1,588. None of the deaths were local.Kay County...

Festival of Angels lights off 2020 season Nov. 25

Volunteers are currently working diligently on getting over 300 Holiday Light Displays put up at Cann Memorial Gardens, Marland’s Grand Home, the Host Angel at the Pioneer Woman Statue and the Mile of Angels at Lake Ponca Park on LA Cann Drive.The lights will go on and the park...

Health and Safety tips from the City of Ponca City

COVID-19 ISOLATION AND QUARANTINE ISOLATION: “I know/think I have COVID-19 with symptoms, when can I be around others?” • You can be around others after 10 days have passed since your symptoms first appeared AND • You have been fever free for at least 24 hours (without use of fever reducing medication)...

City of Ponca City offices to be closed during Thanksgiving

City of Ponca City offices will be closed Thursday, November 26, and Friday, November 27 for the Thanksgiving Holiday:• Residential Refuse WILL NOT BE PICKED UP Thursday, November 26, or Friday, November 27, and will RESUME Monday, November 30. Contact Tim McNew, Solid Waste Supervisor, 767-0411. • The Landfill will be...

Union Students Winners of Ponca City Fire Prevention Week Coloring Contest

Yesenia Menchaca and Sutten Lee were winners of the Ponca City Fire Prevention Week Coloring Contest. They will have their artwork displayed on the Traffic Signal Electrical Box located at the corner of 5th Street and Central Avenue next to Fire Station #1.   Pictured L-R: Yesenia...

Ponca City School Board Election Filing Period December 7 through December 9

The Ponca City Public School Board of Education hereby announces that any statutorily qualified individual interested in running as a candidate on the Ponca City School Board of Education may file for this seat at the Kay County Election Board. The Ponca City Board of Education has...

Blackwell High School Currently With Five Active COVID-19 Cases

Blackwell Journal Tribune is reporting that as of Tuesday, Blackwell Public Schools is currently feeling the COVID-19 pandemic as 25 high school students have been quarantined, believed to be on the BHS football team.One student tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday who was believed to be on the football...