Blackwell Kid’s Cafe Starting Today

The Blackwell Public Library will host a Kid's Cafe starting today, Wednesday. Dinner will be served Tuesday through Friday from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. and with snacks being served from 5:30 p.m. until close. This program is for ages 0-18. Organizers said they don't have menus yet, but plan to have them posted...

Tuesday Snow Totals From Winter Storm In Northern Oklahoma

Tuesday afternoon brought the most snow that Northern Oklahoma has seen for the 2018-2019 Winter season. With totals up to nearly 8 inches towards Burlington in Alfalfa County, the snow brought some much needed moisture to Northwest Oklahoma which needed it. Posted below are some of the snow totals from Tuesday released by the...

Open House Slated for PCPS New Concert Hall

The Ponca City Public School district has scheduled an open house for their new Concert Hall on Monday, February 25 from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. The entire community is invited to attend. The open house will be a come and go event; however, it will feature performances from all instrumental and vocal music programs...

Oklahoma High School State Wrestling Tournament Featuring Northern Oklahoma Talents

It's the later half of February, and that means it's time for the Oklahoma High School State Wrestling Championship at the State Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City! The State Championship will be this Friday and Saturday, February 22-23.The championship will feature different wrestling talents from schools across Northern Oklahoma.For the Ponca City Wildcats, Ethan Kemble, Shayden...

Kay County Sheriff’s Office Warning About Soliciting Scam Calls

The Kay County Sheriff's Office reports that they have received a few phone calls from the past two weeks or so from citizens receiving phone calls from subjects claiming to be soliciting donations for the Kay County Sheriff's Office. The Kay County Sheriff's Office wants to remind people that these are scams and that...

Blackwell Public Schools To Discuss 4-Day School Week

A community meeting about the possibility of Blackwell adopting a 4-day school week is set for Wednesday, February 20, beginning at 8 p.m. at the Blackwell High School Study Center. Throughout districts that already use the 4-day system, sources such as

Newkirk Public Schools And High School Announces Teachers Of The Year

Newkirk Public Schools announced on Monday that Mr. Josh Faulkner is the 2018-2019 Teach of the Year. Faulkner is seen down below with his building principal, Mr. Jeff Wilson. Faulkner teaches Instrumental and General Music at the Newkirk Middle School.Mrs. Denys Mayse is the High School Teacher of the Year. She is pictured with...

New Public Safety Center In Ponca City Proposed At Recent Work Session

From the City of Ponca City. Following months of hard work, Scott Dedmon of ADG P.C. of Oklahoma City presented a conceptual design study, and cost estimate for a new Public Safety Center in Ponca City to the City Commission on Monday at a work session. The proposed new facility would serve as the...

Teacher Of The Year Banquet Moved To Wednesday

Due to the winter weather expected for Tuesday, February 19, the Ponca City Public Schools has decided to reschedule the Teacher of the Year Banquet to Wednesday, February 20, at 6 p.m. at the high school commons.

Ponca City Orchestra Program Presents Orchestras In Review In New Concert Hall

A congratulations to the Ponca City High School Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Paula Cochran, who traveled to Edmond, Oklahoma last week to compete in the annual OSSAA Spring State Contest. The 85–member group performed Procession of the Sardarby Ippolitov-Ivanov and Rhosymedre by Vaughan Williams. The ensemble was awarded superior ratings in both the...

OBI Blood Drives In Ponca City February

 Oklahoma Blood Institute needs strong, inspiring, giving, and heroic blood donors to save the lives of local patients! Blood donors will receive their choice of inspirational t-shirt in one of three featured colors: coral, sky blue, or gray.  Donors will also receive a coupon from Whataburger for a free honey butter chicken biscuit and be...