Ponca City public schools board of education seeking applicants for board seat no. 5
December 17, 2013 12:00 am
The Ponca City Public Schools’ Board of Education is seeking applicants for a vacancy on Board Ward Seat #5. Oklahoma law states that when a vacancy occurs, the board has 60 days to appoint someone to fill the position. After appointed, that person will be able to serve until the next succeeding election, which will be February, 2015, at which time the office which they hold shall be placed on the ballot for the balance of the unexpired term.
All eligible, interested applicants need to contact Mary Ladd, Public Information Coordinator/Board Clerk, at 580-718-3805 or by email at [email protected] no later than January 8, 2014. A legal description of Ward #5 is listed below along with the qualifications to be a board member. The map of Ward #5 is available on the district’s website at www.pcps.us or a copy may be picked up at the Central Administration building at 111 West Grand.
Qualifications for Board Candidates
To be eligible to be a candidate for a member of the board of education of a school district, a candidate must meet the following qualifications:
· The individual must have been a registered voter registered with the county election board at an address located within the geographical boundaries of the district for six months preceding the first day of the filing period.
· The individual must have resided within the school district for at least six months preceding the first day of the filing period.
· If the school district is divided into election districts, the required six months’ residency and voter registration must be within the election district of the board seat that is up for election.
· The individual cannot have been convicted of, or have pled guilty or no contest to, a felony under state or federal law or a misdemeanor involving embezzlement. Any person having a record of any of these crimes is ineligible to file for the school board position pending appeal or for a period of 15 years following completion of the sentence.
· The individual must hold a high school diploma or certificate of high school equivalency in order to be a candidate for service on a board of education. Since there is no “grandfather clause,” any board member filing for re-election must also comply with this request.
· The individual must not be a current employee of the school district in which he/she is running for the board.
· The individual must not be related within the second degree by blood or marriage to a current school district employee or current member of the board of education of the district for which the candidate is seeking office. An exception applies to members of boards of education who were serving on September 1, 1995, and are related to another board member or a school employee by affinity (excepting spouse). These members are not prohibited from serving the term for which they were elected or from serving successive terms for which they may be elected. Second degree relatives may be employed as substitute teachers or as temporary substitute support employees if ADM is less than 5,000.
· Board members must continue to meet the requirements for their school board position, or their seats shall be declared vacant.
Legal Description of Ward #5
Beginning at a point on the west line of the Ponca City School District No. I-71, being the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of Section 21, Township 26 north, Range 1 east of the Indian Meridian, Kay County, State of Oklahoma, (being on the centerline of Hartford Avenue); thence east along the north line of the northeast quarter of said Section 21, and along the north line of Sections 22, 23, and 24 in Township 26 north, Range 1 east, and along the north line of Sections 19 and 20 in Township 26 north, Range 2 east to the intersection of Hartford Avenue (aka Industrial Blvd.) and Waverly Street; thence south along the centerline of Waverly Street to the intersection of Highland Avenue; thence east along the centerline of Highland Avenue to intersection of Osage Street; thence south along the centerline of Osage Street to the intersection of Central Avenue; thence east along the centerline of Central Avenue to the intersection of Union Street; thence north along the centerline of Union Street to the intersection of Grand Avenue; thence east along the centerline of Grand Avenue to the intersection of First Street; thence south along the centerline of First Street to the intersection of South Avenue; thence east along the centerline of South Avenue to the intersection of Fourth Street; thence south along the centerline of Fourth Street to the intersection of Wilson Avenue; thence east along the centerline of Wilson Avenue to Sixth Street; thence north along the centerline of sixth Street to Madison Avenue; thence east along the centerline of Madison Avenue to Ninth Street; thence north along the centerline of Ninth Street to South Avenue; thence east along the centerline of South Avenue to the center of the “Old Bridge” on the Arkansas river (being the intersection of South Avenue and Pecan Road); thence southwesterly along the centerline the Arkansas River to the center of the US Highway 60 (center of the “New Bridge”); thence westerly along the centerline of US Highway 60 to the intersection of US Highway 177; thence southerly along the centerline of US Highway 177 to the intersection of Oakland Avenue; thence east along the centerline of Oakland Avenue to the intersection of Pleasant View Road; thence south along the center line of Pleasant View Road to the intersection of Riverview Road; thence west along the centerline of Riverview Road to the intersection with the Railroad; thence southwesterly along the centerline of the Railroad to Salt Fork of the Arkansas River; thence northwesterly and westerly along the centerline of the Salt Fork River to the north/south half section line in Section 33, Township 25 North, Range 1 east; thence north along the half section line of Sections 33, 28, 21, 16, 9, and 4 in Township 25 North, Range 1 east and of Sections 33, 28, and 21 in Township 26 North, Range 1 east to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of Section 21, Township 26 North, Range 1 east (the point of beginning).