Oklahoma COVID-19 Update for 15 July 2021
Team Radio Marketing Group - July 15, 2021 3:47 pm
Situation Update: COVID-19
COVID-19 Cases |
463,152 |
New Cases |
1,082 |
New Cases 7 day Average |
497 |
Active Cases |
3,710 |
CDC/NCHS Provisional Deaths |
8,654 |
Acute Care OSDH Licensed
Recent 3 day Ave. Hospitalizations |
Cases (ICU) |
Region 1 (NW) | 11 (4) |
Region 2 (NE) | 26 (9) |
Region 3 (SW) | 18 (2) |
Region 4 (EC) | 11 (3) |
Region 5 (SE) | 8 (3) |
Region 6 (Central) | 16 (7) |
Region 7 (Tulsa) | 107 (45) |
Region 8 (OKC) | 62 (18) |
Total | 259 (91) |
Other Types of Facilities | |
Focus Facilities | 4 (2) |
Rehabilitation Facilities | 0 (0) |
Tribal Facilities | 8 (1) |
Other Facilities Total | 12 (3) |
Data shown are preliminary and subject to change as additional information is obtained.
Focus, Rehabilitation and Tribal Facilities numbers are not assigned to a specific region as their patient populations reside across the state. Information provided through survey of Oklahoma hospitals as reported to HHS as of the time of this report. Response rate affects data. Facilities may update previously reported information as necessary.
Data Source: Acute Disease Service, Oklahoma State Department of Health.
*As of 2021-07-14 at 7:00 a.m.
Detailed case statistics are published on the website. Click here for more information.
- This week, 11 Oklahoma counties are in the “orange” risk level, 54 are in the “yellow” risk level, and 12 are in the “green” risk level for the COVID-19 Risk Level System. OSDH continues to monitor closely the statewide hospitalization trends for COVID-19.
- Moving forward, the COVID-19 Risk Level System will be updated every Wednesday in the Situation Update at 11:00 a.m. This week’s map can be seen in this update below the test results chart.
- Register online to receive a notification when you’re eligible to schedule a COVID-19 vaccine appointment at vaccinate.oklahoma.gov, or locate other vaccine opportunities at vaccinefinder.org.
- For more information, visit https://oklahoma.gov/covid19.html.
Below are key takeaways from yesterday’s weekly COVID-19 epidemiology report:
2,688 new COVID-19 cases from last week to this week
39.2% of Oklahomans are fully vaccinated
72% of positive COVID-19 test samples submitted to OSDH in July had the Delta variant present
0.071% of COVID-19 cases have been breakthrough cases. A breakthrough case is a positive COVID-19 diagnosis in someone who is considered fully vaccinated
38% of new COVID-19 cases over the past week occurred in individuals between the ages of 15-34
Oklahomans 12+ can find vaccine appointments in their area by visiting the state’s Vaccine Scheduler Portal, https://www.vaccines.gov/, by calling their local county health department or by speaking with a local pharmacy or personal provider.
The best way you can protect yourself against COVID-19, including more transmissible variants like the Delta variant, is to get vaccinated.
- Current evidence shows the Emergency Use Authorized vaccines available to Oklahomans are largely effective against variants of COVID-19.
- To receive the best protection, you should receive all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine (two doses of Pfizer/Moderna or one dose of Johnson & Johnson).
- No vaccine is 100% effective, but a vaccine will help significantly to prevent you from becoming severely ill, being hospitalized or risking death from COVID-19.
- COVID-19 and its variants can cause severe illness or hospitalization to individuals who are not yet vaccinated, including younger people.
- Vaccination can help ease the severity of symptoms if a breakthrough case does occur.
- If you’re fully vaccinated and begin experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, you should still get tested.
- If you aren’t vaccinated, we recommend you continue practicing the 3 W’s or masking up in crowded places to prevent transmission.
- Continuing to take preventative measures will keep cases from rising significantly as new variants emerge, and will help ensure we can go back to school in-person and maintain normal activities in the fall.
As COVID-19 variants develop, it’s important people get tested if they’re experiencing symptoms so we can continue tracking emerging variants. Testing is still free. Find a test site by visiting oklahoma.gov/covid19/testing-sites or by contacting your doctor or local pharmacy. If you aren’t experiencing symptoms, but would like to be vaccinated, visit vaccinate.ok.gov or text your ZIP code to 438829 (GETVAX) to find vaccine locations near you.