Promotions Coordinator, Christi Lungren, for 104.7 The Bull and 1230 WBBZ presented the “Golden Apple Award” to Title I East Middle School Teaching Assistant, Rosemary Hartman. In conjunction with Blackwell Dentistry, Klinger’s Collision Center, & United Country/Shaw Real Estate; each month these sponsors honor outstanding teachers, administrators, and school support staff with the award. For the Golden Apple Award, the sponsors shared with Rosemary an embroidered blanket and $100.
The nomination for Mrs. Hartman read as follows… “Rosemary is a great support staff. She fills in wherever she can without hesitation or complaint. She helps others without being asked. Rosemary works well with the students and they look up to her. She is a great listener and friend, doing so without judgment. She is always smiling and happy, kindly reminding other to smile too! Rosemary makes the world a better place with her smiles, positive attitude, and jovial laugh.”
Pictured, from left, are Keith Crocker, EMS Principal; Breanna Scott, United Country/Shaw Real Estate; Rosemary Hartman; & Shelley Arrott, PCPS Superintendent of Schools.