Ponca City Board of Commissioners hold regular meeting October 25


The Ponca City Board of Commissioners met for a regular meeting on October 25, 2021. Mayor Homer Nicholson called the meeting to order. Commissioner Bodick, Commissioner, Scott, and Commissioner Taylor were in attendance. Commissioner Chapman was absent.

Consent Agenda

Under the Consent Agenda, the City Commission approved the minutes of the Ponca City Board of Commissioners work session held October 4, 2021, regular session held October 11, 2021, and work session held October 18, 2021; a resolution appropriating money for payment of claims against the City of Ponca City; and a resolution amending the operating budget of various funds for Fiscal Year 2021-22.


Under the City Manager’s Report, City Manager Craig Stephenson reminded the public that Covid-19 vaccines are available for no charge at the Kay County Health Department and many other locations in Ponca City; the confidential and anonymous Hazard Mitigation Plan survey is located online at www.poncacityok.gov under Development Services; and fire hydrant testing is underway north of Highland Avenue and Lake Road.

He also reminded the public of several upcoming events, including the Veteran’s day Parade to be held downtown on Saturday, November 6, at 10:45 a.m.; the Holiday Craft Fair at the RecPlex to be held on Saturday, November 13, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; the Moonlight Turkey Trot to be held on Tuesday, November 23 at 7:00 p.m. at Lake Ponca Shelter House No. 5; and the Lighted Christmas Parade to be held downtown on Friday, December 3 at 6:00 p.m.

Stephenson also reported that two bids were received for emergency work to replace the Bois D’Arc 24” aerial crossing. Kraft Reynolds bid was $1,050,080.00 and Urban was the low bid at $787,024.00. Urban will begin work in the next two to three weeks, with 90 days for construction. The pipe is anticipated to arrive in 8 to 10 weeks. A temporary bypass will be used when Urban ties in the new line during construction.

New Business

Under New Business, the City Commission approved the purchase of a CXT Cheyenne Bathroom and Shower Facility through the Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Program for the Lake Ponca Campground Restroom Replacement Project. The purchase price of $310,735.00 includes the prefabricated building, delivery, and installation. City crews will raze the old facility, prep the site for utility installation, and prepare the final grading before installation. City crews will also complete the concrete work once the facility is in place and contract with a licensed plumber and electrician to complete those aspects of the project.

The City Commission also approved Change Order No. 1 to Highpoint Partners, LLC, and accepted all work as complete for the street improvement project on Sixth Street, from Fresno Avenue to Hartford Avenue, in the add amount of $5,309.50 and the final payment in the amount of $149,902.26. Change Order No. 1 reconciles all final quantities for the project. The one-year maintenance bond period will begin upon approval of the final payment. The improvements included the removal of the existing damaged concrete pavement and construction of new concrete pavement with curbs and gutters, as well as new concrete sidewalks, wheelchair ramps and driveway approaches. This section of pavement was severely damaged by a water main break several months ago. A water line replacement project was quickly expedited by the Environmental Services Department to replace the deteriorated 14-inch water main with a new 16-inch water main. That water line work was completed in May of this year.

An executive session was held for the purposes of discussing negotiations with the International Association of Fire Fighters. No action was taken.


Consent Agenda

Under the PCUA (Ponca City Utility Authority) Consent Agenda, the PCUA Trustees approved the minutes of the PCUA regular session held October 11, 2021; a resolution appropriating money for payment of claims against the PCUA; a resolution of the PCUA amending the operating budget of various PCUA funds for Fiscal Year 2021-22; and authorized the Chairman to submit the monthly operating statement to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board.

New Business

Under PCUA New Business, the PCUA Trustees approved the provision of a $200,000.00 financial incentive in accordance with the HIP 2.0 (Housing Improvement Project) to Prestige Worldwide PC, LLC for the rehabilitation of the former Pioneer Apartment Complex, located at 715 Monument Road. In June of this year, the Ponca City Utility Authority Board of Trustees approved a resolution re-establishing a financial incentive program for the purpose of spurring housing activity in Ponca City, and a total of $300,000.00 was initially set aside to fund the program. The HIP 2.0 Resolution provides that incentives be given to developers of projects that result in the new construction or rehabilitation of housing units of all types, encourages the development of buildable lots in order to create new residential subdivisions within the City, and requires qualified developers execute a development agreement with PCUA detailing the scope of work and generally what is expected of each party in exchange for the financial incentive. Concurrent with the approval of the resolution, Prestige Worldwide PC, LLC purchased the former Pioneer Place apartments on Monument Road. The complex, originally constructed in 1976, had become a public nuisance to area residents and the City had initiated abatement proceedings against the owner beginning in March of 2020. Prestige Worldwide became the first entity to apply for HIP 2.0 funds in August and recently met with City staff to negotiate a financial incentive for the rehabilitation of the complex, consisting of 62 units.