City of Blackwell and Grand Lake Mental Health Center discuss new mental health facility

Mayor Greenfield and the city administrative staff met today with Larry Smith, Chief Executive Officer of Grand Lake Mental Health Center (“GLMHC”).
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the former Houston School location as the site of their proposed 24/7 mental health facility and crisis center.
Approximately fifty (50) quality jobs will be created by this business. Other potential sites were visited and toured.
At the conclusion of the meeting, GLMHC representatives agreed that one of the alternate sites visited would be a better location for the Facility and Center than the Houston School, especially because the new location has the correct zoning and is not immediately adjacent to a residential community.
The City will work to secure the new site. GLMHC will continue to retrofit the former Red Cross building as a temporary crisis center.
GLMHC plans to bring the blueprints for the former Houston School back to the City to be refiled.
Additional information will be released when it is available.