Union Student Jayda Magers Earns First Place in Oklahoma Regional Braille Challenge


Union first grade student, Jayda Magers, recently participated in the Oklahoma Regional Braille Challenge sponsored by the Braille Institute. Any student who is blind or visually impaired and can read and write braille is eligible to participate in the first stage of the contest at regional competitions across the United States and Canada. Jayda competed in three categories: reading comprehension, spelling, and proofreading. There were over 30 participants overall in our region and Jayda placed first in the Apprentice Level. She received a gold medal and a bell basketball for her efforts.  

L to R: Sherry Holder (Oklahoma School for the Blind), Jayda Magers, Cindy Lumpkin (Certified Teacher of the Visually Impaired presenting Jayda her medal and basketball)