School Board signs contract with new superintendent Shelley Arrott
Team Radio Marketing Group - June 22, 2017 3:01 pm
Superintendent Shelley Arrott
The Ponca City Board of Education held a special meeting Wednesday and entered into Executive Session to discuss the proposed written contract between the school district and Shelley Arrott to serve as the district’s Superintendent of Schools.
When the board returned to open session, a motion was made to take action on the contract. Before the board voted, board member Judy Throop, in tears, said she supported Arrott but could not vote for the contract because she did not agree with the starting salary. The contract was approved on a 4 to 1 vote.
The contract stipulates that Arrott will be paid a salary of $140,000 per year for the 2017-18 school year, paid in equal monthly installments beginning July 1.
The board retained the rights to adjust the annual salary during the term of the agreement, but never less than the $140,000 agreed to.
Arrott also will receive an additional annual salary for the dues she will be required to pay to be a member of the following organizations: The Cooperative Council of Oklahoma School Administrators, the American Association of School Administrators, the Urban Superintendent Association of America, and the Ponca City Rotary Club.
The contract also covers Arrotts duties as superintendent as well as required certification, and fringe benefits.
The board will perform at least one written evaluation of her performance each year.
The school board members also approved a number of other personnel actions as listed in the meeting agenda.