Election Officials Warn Voters About About False Polling Place Text Messages


Oklahoma State Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax issued a voter alert on Monday, October 19, 2020, warning voters about a text message that was received by a voter, that falsely claimed the voter’s polling place had changed. The complaint has been referred by election officials to law enforcement.

The text message falsely advised the voter that her polling place had changed, then asked the voter to reply to the text to confirm her name. It then provided a phone number to call to be removed from the notification list. The phone number provided in the text message is reportedly for a male escort service.

“Disinformation about the voting process is a real threat. Voters should be very cautious about phone calls, emails, social media posts, and text messages containing false information about elections – and report suspicious communications to election officials immediately,” Ziriax said.

Polling place changes are rare in Oklahoma, and when they occur affected voters are notified by the County Election Board through the U.S. Mail. “Election officials will never contact you by text message to tell you your polling place has changed,” Ziriax said.

Voters should use the OK Voter Portal on the State Election Board’s website or contact their county election board to find or verify their polling place.

OK Voter Portal: https://www.ok.gov/elections/OVP.html
Contact: State Election Board PIO Misha Mohr, (405) 522-6624 [email protected]