All Ponca City Public School Virtual Academy students and parents should have received an email from Ryan Dooley, [email protected], on Monday, August 3, 2020. Within this email is a link for students to schedule a time to pick-up technology needed, receive information about PCVA, collect neck gaiters, and meet teachers. There are three days within the link to schedule an appointment. These days are: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, August 12-14. Appointment times are scheduled in 30 minute increments. If you did not receive the email, be sure to check your Spam Folder. PCPS is very excited to meet their Ponca City Virtual Academy students!
Remember, the last day to enroll in Virtual Academy, Learning Options 2 or 3, is the end of the day on Thursday, August 6th. Once school begins, they will allow parents to switch Learning Options one time throughout the 1st semester. Please see the press release PCPS provided on Tuesday, August 4. It may be found on On the homepage, click on All Press Release and Video Updates, then Press Releases, and PCPS Announces Last Day to Enroll in Virtual Academy. On Friday, August 7, PCPS will send emails to enrollees added through August 6th.