One Killed in ATV accident near Hillsdale


A fatality collision occurred at 10 p.m. Monday night at the intersection of Hobart Road and Blaine Road, about 3 miles southeast of Hillsdale, OK. in northern Garfield County.

Kelly M. Burtrum, 43, of Nash, OK., was driving a 2013 Artic Cat ATV southbound on Hobart Road, approaching a “T” intersection at Blaine Road. The passenger with Burtrum was Shannon Metzger Kirkhart, 40, of Waukomis, OK.

As Burtrum was approaching a “T” intersection at Blaine Road, he was distracted by something Kirkhart said. As Burtrum looked over his shoulder to look back at the roadway, he attempted to slow and turn left. The ATV then left the roadway and rolled. Neither Burtrum or Kirkhart were wearing helmets.

While Burtrum was not injured, Kirkhart was pronounced dead on scene due to trunk internal injuries sustained in the crash. Her body was then transported to the Medical Examiner’s Office in Oklahoma City by the Medical Examiner.