More people requesting absentee ballots for scheduled June election


With stay-at-home orders and social distancing guidelines from COVID-19 has come a spike in requests for absentee ballots. Voters are encouraged to call the Kay County Election Board for absentee voting, so that voters may mail-in their ballots this summer, with elections currently scheduled for June 30.

The Election Board can be reached at P.O. Box 331 Newkirk, OK 74647. Phone: 580-362-2130. Fax: 580-362-1100. Toll Free Line: 888-567-4611.


The June 30 election includes the following:

 Blackwell Municipal Mayor Election
 Blackwell School District I-45, Board Member
 Kildare School District C-50, Board Member
 Newkirk Municipal Commissioner


According to the Kay County board, You can write on a paper with your Name, Address where you want the ballot to be sent to, Birth date and Signature.

If you are home bound please indicate that in your letter so we can send you a different affidavit for 2 people to witness you doing the ballot or you can go to to request an Absentee Ballot and it comes straight to them.