Long Lines for Pickup for PCPS Continuous Learning Packets Monday


The Ponca City Public School District distributed approximately 1,500 Continuous Learning Packets Monday, and that number included only one packet per family if they had more than one child attending the same school!  Numerous families downloaded the packets from the district website as well.


Superintendent Shelley Arrott reported, “I made it to all schools from 4:00-6:00 except for Washington PreK, but I spoke with the principal and things went well there.  When I got to Roosevelt, there were cars wrapped around the east parking lot and all the way to 7th Street on Highland, so I was glad I was there to help.”


“It took a host of people working around the clock for days to get the first round of Continuous Learning launched smoothly, and it will be much smoother during our next round.  A great deal of appreciation goes to so many that I cannot possibly name everyone who helped to make this project a reality.”


Principals will be in the office on Tuesday and Thursday this week from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM to take calls and respond to emails.  Contact information is in the Continuous Learning Guide on the homepage at www.pcps.us


Patrons may call 580-767-8000 with questions as well.  We love how families are posting pictures of Continuous Learning activities occurring at home on school Facebook pages.  Keep those pictures and questions coming on Facebook.  We are responding!


Pictured left: Long lines at Roosevelt

Pictured right: East Principal Denton Long and Assistant Principal Keith Crocker outside of East Middle School