 Grab-and-Go Meal Procedure Change: In order to better practice social distancing and to protect the health of our staff and community, the PCPS Child Nutrition Staff are changing the procedure for distributing Grab-and-Go Meals. Beginning Thursday, April 2, there will be an empty table set up curbside at the regular pick-up locations. When patrons pull up, they will tell the CNP staff how many Grab-and-Go Meals are needed. The staff will put the requested number of bags on the table. The staff will step away from the table and the patrons will need to send someone from the car to collect the bags
on the table.

 Driver’s License Examiner Documentation: Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety is waiving certain driver license requirements for those under the age of 18. The Department of Public Safety will not need documentation from the school regarding enrollment and reading proficiency at this time.

 PCPS Facilities and Playgrounds are Closed to Public Use: To prevent the spread of COVID-19, all PCPS Facilities and Playground Equipment are Closed to Public Use.

 Continuous Learning: A Continuous Learning Guide will be posted on the District Homepage, www.pcps.us, on Thursday, April 2. Please read this guide carefully and thoroughly prior to April 6. Continuous Learning Schedules/Packets will be posted on each school’s webpage on Monday, April 6. PCPS will create a link to each school’s homepage on the District Homepage. These schedules of continuous learning activities reflect one to two weeks of activities, beginning April 6, depending upon your child’s grade level. There will also be options for pick-up of the schedules/packets as indicated in the Continuous Learning Guide which will be posted on April 2. New schedules/packets will be posted for upcoming weeks on specific dates. Please refer to the Continuous Learning Guide that will be posted April 2.

 Stay Connected: All families need to be connected to PCPS information. Please review all press releases posted within the COVID-19 Updates Link at www.pcps.us. Download the free PCPS App available in your App Store to receive a notification whenever new information is released. As you talk to other PCPS families, please provide them information on how to stay connected. We receive calls daily from families who know nothing about our press releases or how they are distributed. It is critical all families are connected during this time of Continuous Learning.


Parents, Continuous Learning will look very different from traditional school learning. Our most important focus is the safety and well-being of our students, staff, and community. Please keep an open mind and understand that every public brick-and-mortar school in the State of Oklahoma will be offering similar approaches to Continuous Learning during school closure. The Continuous Learning guide posted tomorrow will provide you all sorts of information from time frames to expectations. Read it in advance before the Continues Learning Packets/Schedules are released on Monday, April 6.

We look forward to being available to support our families and students from a distance. The Oklahoma State Department made the decision to close school the rest of the year to protect everyone. We will get through this temporary change together. #safetyfirst #wildcatway

Shelley Arrott
Superintendent, Ponca City Public Schools