As Northern Oklahoma College continues to work together during this challenging time to make informed decisions to protect the entire NOC campus community and do its part to prevent the spread of COVID-19. To echo what others have said; nothing is more important than the health and well-being of the NOC family. NOC is proud to see the Northern family pulling together at this critical juncture to support and encourage one another through the uncertainty.
Even though NOC has already taken extraordinary precautions and measures, the institution must do more as the situation continues to evolve. The most recent White House and CDC guidelines for social distancing have made it apparent NOC must now take additional steps to do their part to flatten the curve of the COVID-19 outbreak.
NOC Moving Fully Online for Remainder of Spring Semester
Yesterday, NOC announced that it is closing all campus locations from March 14 -March 29, extending spring break for one extra week.
Today, NOC makes the difficult decision to continue alternative instructional delivery methods through the remainder of the spring semester with all NOC classes delivered online beginning March 30. NOC will continue to follow the NOC Academic Calendar with the last day of the spring semester, May 8. All final grades are due Monday, May 11. More details will be shared in the coming days.
Working together with faculty and staff as well as community partners, NOC is committed to ensuring that students can complete their academic goals at NOC.
On-Campus Housing
NOC is strongly encouraging a reduced occupancy in on-campus housing for the rest of the spring semester. This is a difficult decision, but necessary to protect the health of the entire campus community – students, faculty and staff. NOC understands some students must maintain a physical presence on campus and NOC is committed to assisting them in every way possible.
Spring Graduation Ceremonies
The ceremonies are postponed, and NOC is working to modify those ceremonies. NOC is actively exploring ways to honor the graduates and their achievements at an appropriate time by considering alternatives to the traditional spring graduation events.
College-related Events
All in-person meetings and events with greater than 10 attendees on all three campuses are suspended until at least May 11. The decision is based on recommendations from the CDC and along with state and national leaders. This does not preclude small internal meetings, where CDC guidelines for social distancing should be practiced.
Guidance for Employees
The extended spring break closure started on March 14 – March 29. Wherever compatible with continuing operations, all supervisors should institute temporary telecommuting plans for their full-time employees through the end of the spring semester. Any faculty, staff, and students who return to campus are urged to use caution and practice social distancing and proper hygiene. NOC administration is developing a temporary telecommuting policy with procedures and will share with employees next week.
Northern Oklahoma College, the state’s first public community college, is a multi-campus, land-grant institution that provides high quality, accessible, and affordable educational opportunities and services which create life-changing experiences and develop students as effective learners and leaders within their communities in a connected, ever changing world.
NOC, a public two year community college, serves 4,200 students on the home campus in Tonkawa, branch in Enid, NOC/OSU Gateway Program in Stillwater, online, and the University Center in Ponca City.
In 2019, NOC celebrated the 20-year anniversary of the Enid campus and a 15-year partnership with OSU for the Gateway Program.
NOC is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and offers associate degrees in three general areas: Arts, Science and Applied Science. The associate degree fulfills lower-division course work which is applicable towards a bachelor’s degree.
Call (580) 628-6200 for more information about Northern Oklahoma College or visit .