Payne County Considered For New Community Health Center


It will take land, a grant from the federal government and much community support, Payne County could possibly be in the front-running for a Community Health Center. Community Health Centers of Oklahoma, Inc. is actively exploring an application that set up a health and wellness site that allows people to pay for services based on income. The closest center run with full-time staff is in Langston in Logan County.

Patients at Community Health Centers can go to one place to get medical care, mental health needs addressed, to see a dentist, get their eyeglasses and any other health needs  without the hassle of going to different doctors. Community Health Centers of Oklahoma CEO Isabella Lawson said that health centers can reduce the amount of hospital and ER visits.

Right now, they are in search of 3,500 square feet of land for the health center. So far, the idea has had much support from the community and would need to wait on the 330 grant. Cities across the state have donated land to help contribute to health centers that are local to them.