Cooler Weather No Problem For Stillwater Polar Plunge


Temperatures rose to around 55 degrees Saturday in Stillwater, and that did not stop people from taking part in the Polar Plunge. The swimming pool remained cold following a week of snow, sleet and freezing rain. However, that didn’t stop the people who had the courage to jump in it to help raise money for the Special Olympics. Polar Plunge is a fundraising platform that is sponsored by the Law Enforcement Torch Run, a movement that started in Wichita, Kansas in 1981 and has spread throughout the law enforcement community to become Special Olympics’ largest fundraising and awareness group. Jennifer Lightle, who is the Development Director for Special Olympics Oklahoma, said Stillwater’s Polar Plunge had a successful year.

Although the event didn’t reach its fundraising goal of $15,000 by Saturday, it had 96 participants registered to plunge. Which according to the Stillwater News, is 30 more people than last year and is a larger number than what Stillwater has seen in recent years. Pledge’s totaling $9,400 by Saturday topped last year’s total by $100. Lightle says it still has a chance to make its goal. Half the money raised for Special Olympics through Polar Plunge goes to the state organization while the other half stays local to provide support for teams like the Cowboy Country Special Olympians.

If you would like to make a donation through Polar Plunge, make the donation through