Precinct Closed For Shidler School Election


Kay County Election Board Secretary Cheryl Howard announced Wednesday that the Shidler School District has opted to close precinct 360401 in Kay County for its Annual School Election scheduled for February 12, 2019.

State law does allow a school district to close a precinct if it’s not entirely within the boundaries of the district along with fewer than 100 registered voters in that part of the precinct located in that district. Voters who are registered in this precinct located in Shidler School District will receive an application for absentee ballots from the County Election Board. They can fill out, sign, and return the application form to the County Election Board to have a ballot mailed to them. Applications for absentee ballots must be received by the County Election
Board no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, February 6, for this election. Voters who receive their absentee ballots by mail must return the voted ballot tot the County Election Board by mail. Absentee ballots must be in the County Elections Board’s hand by 7 p.m.
on election day to be counted.

These voters also may vote by in-person absentee ballot at the County Election Board office from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Thursday, February 7, and Friday, February 8. Any registered voter in this precincts 360401 who believes that he or she may reside in the Shidler School District and who has not yet received an absentee ballot application from the County Election Board should contact the County Election Board office