Pioneer Tech offers management training series

Ponca City Now - August 18, 2016 12:24 pm

The Pioneer Technology Center (PTC) business and industry staff has created a unique eight session training opportunity for small businesses. We understand that budgets are tight and time is limited. Thus, the Manager’s “Tool Belt” package was created with you and your leadership in mind.
Sessions include:

  • Know Thyself: Using Real Colors® as a Management Tool – Sept. 1. It’s all about self-discovery; in your journey as a manager you must understand your strengths and lesser strengths. This class serves as the cornerstone for the “Tool Belt” series.
  • Transitioning Into Management – Sept. 15. You’re a manager, what’s next? This course centers on the major challenges of managing in a competitive landscape; explains how the functions of management are evolving in today’s business environment and defines the skills you will need to be effective.
  • Creating a Workplace of Accountability – Sept. 29. Workplace Accountability is a hot topic. Learn about a model that tackles accountability and also includes over 20 tools a new manager can choose from to implement at their business.
  • Using Motivation in Developing Teams – Oct. 13. Teamwork and motivation is essential for managers. Learn how teams are organized, how are they are developed, how do they work, and how to we transfer motivation from a mindset into regular daily actions focused on results.
  • Managing Performance and Giving Feedback – Oct. 27. Performance Management emphasizes that you must learn to “inspect what you expect” effectively to have your team achieve goals and meet expectations. This course will include the complete lifecycle from setting goals, coaching and mentoring, to completing the annual performance appraisal discussion; takeaways included.
  • Coaching for Continuous Improvement – Nov. 10. Would it not be great to have each of your employees perform daily in their “sweet spot”? This course helps you train your employees to get the job done the first time.
  • Developing Communication Skills for Today’s Manager – Dec. 1. Have you ever had “listening” training? This class covers a plethora of communication, from common pitfalls to the techniques and tools that will increase our effectiveness as managers.
  • Attaining Results with Time Management – Dec. 15. Time Management plays a very important role not only in business but also in our personal lives. Each participant will explore effective planning, setting goals and deadlines, delegating, prioritizing activities and ultimately spending the right time on the right activity.

The series starts Sept. 1 and meets every other week (except Thanksgiving Day), from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Investment is $499 to include tuition, all training materials and lunches.

For more information, contact Molly Kyler, Organizational and Leadership Development Director, at (580) 718-4304 or email [email protected].


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